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Internet on Toshiba Laptop

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    Internet on Toshiba Laptop

    I'm using Kubuntu on an old Toshiba laptop. The problem is with the internet. The laptop connects to the network fine, and works long enough to successfully load a single page in FF, but then it stops working. There's no error message or change in network status, I just start getting 404 errors. However, I can still ping the other machines on my network and a local VNC server still works over the wifi. If you need any more information about the machine's wireless card/hardware, I'd be happy to provide it. Just tell me what commands to type into the terminal.

    Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

    To what network are you connecting and how? For example, a cable, dhcp or static address, wireless ?

    In a terminal type ifconfig - this is for configure a network and will list all the means that Kubuntu has found of your hardware that it can use to connect to a network. Please paste the output to the forum.
    HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


      Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

      I am connecting to a Linksys WRT54G wirelessly with DHCP enabled.

      eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:a0:d1:d9:58:27
      inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
      RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
      RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
      Interrupt:18 Base address:0xa000

      lo Link encap:Local Loopback
      inet addr: Mask:
      inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
      UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
      RX packets:162 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:162 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
      RX bytes:12572 (12.5 KB) TX bytes:12572 (12.5 KB)


        Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

        When you see the 404 error, what is the result of a ping command to the web server? Seems that you lose your connection to the internet while the rest of your LAN is still working. Can the other machines still browse the internet when this happens?


          Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

          When I ping, nothing happens. It doesn't even display a time-out error. All of the other machines on my network still work.


            Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

            I am connecting to a Linksys WRT54G wirelessly
            If eth0 and lo shows where is wlan0?

            What is the output from lspci (if wireless is pci) or lsusb (if wireless is usb)?
            "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
            "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


              Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

              I had this exact same problem on my dell laptop. I could ping all of the devices on my LAN, but couldn't ping anything outside (IE: it was intermittant. I originally thought it was my router, but none of the other PC's I had did the same thing. I eventually changed out the broadcom wireless card for an intel, and haven't had any problems since.

              Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop<br />Intel T9300 Core2Duo Processor @ 2.5Ghz<br />4 GB Ram | 1920 X 1200 Resolution<br />2 X 160 GB SATA HD Internal<br />Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Adapter<br />Using Kubuntu 9.10


                Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

                Originally posted by arochester
                I am connecting to a Linksys WRT54G wirelessly
                If eth0 and lo shows where is wlan0?

                What is the output from lspci (if wireless is pci) or lsusb (if wireless is usb)?
                00:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc R200 AGP Bridge [Mobility Radeon 7000 IGP] (rev 05)
                00:01.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc PCI Bridge [IGP 340M]
                00:13.0 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc OHCI USB Controller #1 (rev 01)
                00:13.1 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc OHCI USB Controller #2 (rev 01)
                00:13.2 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc EHCI USB Controller (rev 01)
                00:14.0 SMBus: ATI Technologies Inc SMBus (rev 18)
                00:14.1 IDE interface: ATI Technologies Inc Dual Channel Bus Master PCI IDE Controller
                00:14.3 ISA bridge: ATI Technologies Inc Device 434c
                00:14.4 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc IXP200 3COM 3C920B Ethernet Controller
                00:14.5 Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP150 AC'97 Audio Controller
                00:14.6 Modem: ATI Technologies Inc IXP AC'97 Modem (rev 01)
                01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility 7000 IGP
                02:04.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)
                02:06.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI1410 PC card Cardbus Controller (rev 02)
                02:07.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)


                  Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

                  Try the solution on at "Pls. help me setup wireless conn in Intrepid" on

                  It has the same Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)

                  On the last post, where it says "PROBLEM SOLVED! " you need to change points 3 and 5 to suit Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu e.g.
                  kdesudo kate /etc/network/interfaces
                  kdesudo kate /etc/default/wpasupplicant
                  "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
                  "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


                    Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

                    I ran "sudo mousepad /etc/network/interfaces" and "sudo mousepad /etc/network/wpasupplicant". Both of them came up with empty text boxes. When I tried to add ENABLED=0 to the second text box, it wouldn't let me save the file.


                      Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

                      Note that previously,I had done all the preliminary steps such as installing network manager, wpasupplicant, and madwifi (ath5k driver) for wireless to work.
                      Perhaps you need to do this first for things to show.

                      "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
                      "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


                        Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

                        Well, I found out a little more about the problem. The local network still works, and the laptop can connect to the internet only when there is an open connection to one of the other computers on the network.

                        For example, right now I have the laptop pinging a different machine infinitely. So long as I don't stop it or close the terminal, the internet will be working perfectly.


                          Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

                          Could it be related to power management disconnecting too early the network card?


                            Re: Internet on Toshiba Laptop

                            This sounds very much like a DNS/ DHCP issue, check if you can still ping the IP number of the server(s) that you can't connect to.

