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Problem accessing NAS box

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    Problem accessing NAS box


    I have just installed KUbuntu 9.04. I have a Maxtor Shared Storage II NAS box on my network. I can get Kubuntu to connect to it, and I can browse my various files, but cannot get Amrock to play any MP3's unless I copy the mp3's to a local folder, which obviously defeats the point of having NAS.

    If I try to drag any mp3's to Amrock's playlist, nothing happens, i.e. they don't appear on the play list and don't play. Can anyone give me any helpful suggestions? All worked fine in Ubuntu 9.04, which is a bit odd.

    Re: Problem accessing NAS box

    Right ~ I've installed VLC, and it appears to the caching the whole file across the network before playing it! That can't be right, surely?


      Re: Problem accessing NAS box

      If you open the video in Dolphin with "Open With...", Dolphin is probably making a copy of it in your temp folder before launching vlc.

      If you want to avoid that you can use a player that is aware of KDE smb:// file locations, or mount the SAN somewhere in your home folder so that you access files like they were local ones.

      You could try smb4k, it is easy and quick to set up and will create a smb4k/<resource name> from where you can play directly your media files.


        Re: Problem accessing NAS box

        Thanks for the info. The network share was already mounted in my Home folder, but Amrock refused to see it as a local folder and wouldn't let me add it as my 'collection'. VLC appears to be smb aware in Ubuntu, so I'm a bit confused why that wasn't working either. Ive installed smb4k, and Amrock is scanning my collection as I type, so hopefully that will sort it ~ I'll let you know!

        Thanks again for the assistance.


          Re: Problem accessing NAS box

          Yep, that's sorted it! Many thanks.

