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What's with bluetooth in the kde 3.5 remix?

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    What's with bluetooth in the kde 3.5 remix?

    Is bluetooth support nonfunctional in the KDE 3.5 remix, or in Jaunty generally? I have kbluetooth4 running (ps confirms that) but there's nothing for it that I can identify in the system tray. I've looked for packages with "kdebluetooth" and various other permutations of the name but haven't found anything, though I've seen references to them. Searching this forum hasn't helped, though I've found other folks in distress about this. Is there a KDE3.5 versus KDE4 issue involved somehow? If so, is there a different bluetooth support program that I should be invoking? And what package is it in?

    In my case, I don't even know what I should be getting. I have a USB printer to which I've attached a USB to Bluetooth dongle, and it's turned on. How would I access it, or even see it in some kind of scan?

    Re: What's with bluetooth in the kde 3.5 remix?

    you could try this here, this is what i did on my laptop for my bluetooth
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