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Network connection sucks!!!

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    Network connection sucks!!!

    First of all, I'm not looking for help. I didn't manage to find any bug reporting site for kubuntu, so I'm writing here in hope that some of the Kubuntu developers will read this. Network manager totally sucks. First of all, during installation Kubuntu don't ask you anything about your connection. When the installation was finished I got the ip address via DHCP. But I want a static ip, so when I try the network manager, it show me some window for a new connection which ask me for my MAC address instead of ethernet interface, and for my ip address, mask, gateway. I fill this fields, and nothing happened. I was forced to manually edit /etc/network/interfaces to set up address. But after a while, I again get the ip via DHCP. I was forced to do chmod -x /etc/init.d/NetworkManager to get rid of network manager.
    Now, I'm experienced Linux user, but what about novices. I don't have wireless card, or need of pppoe connection, but I can only imagine what a nightmare is to set up those in kubuntu.
    To developers, please make a decent network manager because this will only frustrate new users.

    Re: Network connection sucks!!!

    I suggest:


      Re: Network connection sucks!!!

      I haven't had much luck with knetworkmanager. Try blacklisting it and installing wicd. At least wicd tells you some of what's going on.


        Re: Network connection sucks!!!

        Any KDE or Kubuntu developer with any self-respect would have walked from the project rather than be associated in any way with the release a distro with networking tools in this state. The fish stinks from the head back. Either Shuttleworth is deliberately sabotaging KDE or some heads need to roll on these projects. As a long-time Kubuntu user I am insuted and embarassed to the point of nausea.


          Re: Network connection sucks!!!

          Doing a chmod on scripts in the /etc/init.d/ directory is not the right way to disable services like NetworkManager. The right way is to navigate to the proper run level directory, typically /etc/rc2.d/ since run level 2 is the default. There you will find a bunch of symbolic links to scripts in the /etc/init.d/ directory. Find the one that starts with S<some number>NetworkManager. Rename the symbolic link to start with D instead of S and that's it, service disabled and you are free to manually configure your network using /etc/network/interfaces. We all agree NetworkManager has bugs but Kubuntu 9.04 and KDE 4.2 rock. You can easily remove NetworkManager and replace it with WICD. Besides NetworkManager I have not found too many issues with 9.04. I for one would not be happy if they held back a release because of a few issues with one component that can easily be bypassed.

          linux &amp;&amp; bash = &quot;the future&quot;


            Re: Network connection sucks!!!

            Doing a chmod on scripts in the /etc/init.d/ directory is not the right way to disable services like NetworkManager. The right way is to navigate to the proper run level directory, typically /etc/rc2.d/ since run level 2 is the default. There you will find a bunch of symbolic links to scripts in the /etc/init.d/ directory. Find the one that starts with S<some number>NetworkManager. Rename the symbolic link to start with D instead of S and that's it, service disabled and you are free to manually configure your network using /etc/network/interfaces.
            Or even better: apt-get remove networkmanager ;-)

            We all agree NetworkManager has bugs but Kubuntu 9.04 and KDE 4.2 rock.
            Have bugs?! It's totally useless. I agree with "tkestas", some heads need to roll out of this project. Maybe other components of Kubuntu are great, but networking is essential componet. And this state of NetworkManager is not from yesterday, all previous releases (correct me if I'm wrong) were useless as this one. This is disgrace!!!


              Re: Network connection sucks!!!

              Use Adept, or apt-get, of dpkg, or your choice of package managers. Get wicd, install it. The installer will remove knetworkmanager and networkmanager since they interfere with wicd. Install your driver, fire up wicd, configure it for your network (ethernet or wireless), enjoy it.

              I used to use knetworkmanager under 8.04 and was quite satisfied. Not so under 9.04. Installed wicd, it removed the offending apps, and my wireless is good. It will also work well with ethernet.
              The next brick house on the left
              Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                Re: Network connection sucks!!!

                Are you wicd users connecting to WPA2? I still can't get mine to work. Thanks.

                (I connect just fine to the unsecured networks in my neighborhood)


                  Re: Network connection sucks!!!

                  [quote=vladoboss ]
                  Have bugs?! It's totally useless. I agree with "tkestas", some heads need to roll out of this project. Maybe other components of Kubuntu are great, but networking is essential componet. And this state of NetworkManager is not from yesterday, all previous releases (correct me if I'm wrong) were useless as this one. This is disgrace!!!
                  A bit harsh I would say. Networking is important. But lighten up, and move on. If there is one Linux app for networking (or anything else), there are a thousand. Heads won't be rolling because *buntu is not a profit center for Canonical anyway. Appreciate what they have done and then exercise your freedom to choose options.
                  The next brick house on the left
                  Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                    Re: Network connection sucks!!!

                    Originally posted by kjjjjshab
                    Are you wicd users connecting to WPA2? I still can't get mine to work. Thanks.

                    (I connect just fine to the unsecured networks in my neighborhood)
                    First of all, in most places using someone else's internet connection is at best illegal -- you're stealing a service. That aside, what is your router set up to provide? You are connected, so I'm assuming that your wifi card driver is installed properly. So, next you need info from your own wireless router/AP. If your router/AP is setup with WPA1 or 2, wicd will let you select that when you are configuring your interface. All you will need is the essid and preshared key (if you are using preshared) currently on your router. Enter those into the Advanced options for your router connection, then hit the "Connect" button.
                    The next brick house on the left
                    Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                      Re: Network connection sucks!!!

                      Originally posted by jglen490
                      ...First of all, in most places using someone else's internet connection is at best illegal -- you're stealing a service...
                      I am connecting to an unsecured network only to see that it works. I am not using it. (Connect -> -> Disconnect). If the police wish to jail me for that, so be it.

                      And, I have my wicd set-up "properly" as far as I can tell... so once again, I am just wondering if anyone else here actually has theirs working w/ WPA2. [Is is possible to take a rant OT? ].

                      The reason why I went with wicd is the knetworkmanager and/or the plasma widget was advertised not to work with WPA2. WTF (my contribution to the rant )



                        Re: Network connection sucks!!!

                        Originally posted by kjjjjshab
                        Are you wicd users connecting to WPA2? I still can't get mine to work. Thanks.

                        (I connect just fine to the unsecured networks in my neighborhood)

                        Yes, I am and have been doing so for quite a while. Wicd works just fine for me, including PPoE connection. It has worked for me since at version 6.06 or whatever it was called.
                        I discarded network-manager in disgust. It is useless. Whenever I try it just for the heck of it, network manager frustrate me like almost nothing else.

                        Why Kubuntu/Ubuntu insists of having it a default is beyond me. The developers must know about the problems with it.

                        I will continue to use wicd and have peace of mind and a working network connection whenever needed. I even tried it with Karmic and it worked right out of the box.

