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Dialup: How to connect via dialup without kppp?

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    Dialup: How to connect via dialup without kppp?

    Hi all

    Just finally did a complete upgrade from Gutsy to Jaunty - so its my first time using KDE4.
    Previously using KPPP (Gutsy) not the Network Manager.

    Background Info

    Current system is via a clean install so nothing from the prior install should cause any issues.

    The installation was a little odd (compared to the old Kubuntu systems) so I am not sure whether this is related to my problem.
    BTW I was installing from DVD, not the CD.
    The install took ages: eg. installed lots of language packs (I only requested English) then spent ages deleting them all.
    Nothing was prompted here, it decided to do all this work and undo it by itself!
    Hence I am not sure whether the install program did not install what was needed &/or deleted some needed program(s), hence my problem.

    Issue: Method of connecting to the Internet via Dialup in Jaunty cannot be found.

    Have looked in the Network Manager but cannot find any Dialup options.
    Looked in the new package manager and PPP, PPPConfig & PPPoeconf et al are installed but not KPPP.
    BTW I could not find any references to the adept installer in the menus. Also the package list on the current system seems rather restricted (even for a DVD).

    Tried firing up PPP via the terminal) but it cannot be found.
    Also there is nowhere when I can see any recognition of modems or anywhere to put in modem settings.

    Looked up the Kubuntu forums using search and could find no info on this for Jaunty.
    So I am stumped. And connecting via another old computer using Gutsy!

    Is someone able to lead me in the right direction please?

    Many thanks

    Perth, Australia

    Re: Dialup: How to connect via dialup without kppp?

    Hi All

    I think I have found part of my problem.
    It looks like KPPP is not installed by default from the DVD install (this is an educated guess).

    Does anyone know how to get hold of the .deb file that would contain this (assuming that it still exists under Jaunty)?

    Many thanks



      Re: Dialup: How to connect via dialup without kppp?

      you should be able to install it with this command
      open konsole and type
      sudo apt-get install kppp
      (and i just checked to make sure on my computer)

      also you might want to consider using synaptic as your package manager adept dosent always find packages in the repo and kpackagekit is far from perfect. you can install synaptic with this command (again by typing it in konsole)
      sudo apt-get install synaptic
      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
      (top of thread: thread tools)


        Re: Dialup: How to connect via dialup without kppp?

        I'm doing a similar thing to you going from Gusty to a clean install of Jaunty 64bit on a separate partition so I can gradually migrate over to it.

        You can get the Kppp deb file from here:

        Kppp ran as root so I set it to run as a different user in the kmenu it seems to be working now and using the kppprc config file in my home directory not in root's directory. I also fiddled with the permissions of /usr/bin/kppp I don't know whether that helped or not.

        Also I have installed synaptic, when on dailup I like to know what the total download size will be.


          Re: Dialup: How to connect via dialup without kppp?

          Hi Sithlord.

          Thanks for your feedback.

          The big problem was that I had NO Internet connection at all, because the Kubuntu DVD install (Graphical mode) was such a mess. So apt-get would not have worked due to no viable network connection (and almost nothing else working!).
          I got the KdeNetwork .deb file (contains KPPP) from the DVD once I did a Text based install for jaunty from the DVD. That .deb install worked fine as I had finally a workable base system.

          Yes. I agree that KPackageKit is far from perfect but I am getting used to its obvious quirks (giving it a try-out).
          My biggest bugbear is that it does not show the size of prospective downloads (like Weka noted) & gives vague fatal errors if the needed installation source (DVD) is not loaded/mounted (it doesn't not prompt you like Adept did...).
          I have used Synaptic before when I used Mandrake/Mandriva in the ancient past.
          If I get stuck I resort to apt-get via command line or Gdebi via Konqueror.

          Hi Weka

          Thanks for your comments as well.

          I also noticed the KDESU requirement in KPPP by default. The KDE manual section for KPPP tells me that its ok security-wise (not all KPPP calls are done using root privileges).
          Hence I kept KPPP under the same user but gave myself the appropriate group permissions (eg. Dialout). That way. Actually its handy for keeping my kids away from using my dialup account when I am not on the PC .

          Actually on my system the KPPP download speeds went crap unless I gave myself the correct group permissions, even though I had KDESU access for KPPP when it loaded. Did you have the same problem?
          If so, then its a bug in Jaunty not found in Gutsy.

          Its quite a leap from Gutsy to Jaunty but I am making good headway. Hope you are too!

          Cheers to all



            Re: Dialup: How to connect via dialup without kppp?

            apt-get will work off line w/ the dvd in you just need to enable it in your sources.list ( you should be able to graphically do it from kpackagekit)

            i can't speak really about kppp because i don't use it.
            but i do use pppd to "dial" out with my cell phone and that requires i put a sudo before the command.
            i am not really sure if my connection suffers from the same issues, mainly because i don't really have anything to compare it angst, that will not destroy it in speed (i.e my wifi or wired).or care to fiddle w/ a working config, i have other things to work on.
            and i must say i live in a sparsely populated area, were we have just gotten a 3g cell connection
            by "dialing out" using my cell phone (don't try with out unlimited data it gets expensive.) i get ~80kbps Down / ~40kbps UP.

            if you have a cell phone with unlimited data and cell service its might be way faster then dial up(if you have 3g, edge might be faster i have yet to connect in an edge area and run a speed test.), btw w/ my phone i can dial out either b.tooth or via usb so depending on your phone model you may not need to get the wire (although it is my preferred method as it will as keep the phone charged while plugged in). also most cell phone companies will offer unlimited data for between 10-20 dollars a month (per line.) and if your paying 10 dollars for dial up and you have a good cell connection the it is well worth it.
            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
            (top of thread: thread tools)


              Re: Dialup: How to connect via dialup without kppp?

              I haven't noticed any speed changes in Juanty but then I haven't really tested it that well, I just checked it could download my email and load a webpage which it did fine. When at home my father shares his dialup connection and I don't often get to use my laptop's modem but I need to know it works.

              The upgrade to Juanty has been quite a jump but I'm slowly getting there also.

