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Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG

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    Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG

    Hi everyone,

    Kubuntu 9.04 looks fantastic and seems really a big step forwards from 8.10. However, I have a major problem: I can't connect to the internet. I have a wireless connection, which always connected effortlessly to the 64-bit WEP encrypted network. Now, with the new flashy network plasmoid, it does not work. It seems to be an issue more users have experienced, judging from this bug ( It seems to be caused by kwalletd not being loaded. I tried to run kwalletd with the alt F2 dialog (both with and without sudo), but to no avail.

    My card is an Atheros AR5005AG and I used a restricted driver before, but now it says it's no longer needed. I tried both with the open source driver and with the (alternate) restricted driver (madwifi), but both options did not work.

    How can I solve this from a Live CD environment, or is it better to install anyway? Note that I do not have a wired connection nearby to download packages, which will complicate matters if I want to install network-manager-gnome or knetworkmanager (which is no longer supported I heard).

    PS: I use Kubuntu since 7.04 and I remember that there was a way to connect using the command line, but I forgot... I am very bad with the command line.
    Last edited by Snowhog; Feb 09, 2014, 05:53 PM.

    Re: Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG

    you could try to install the windows driver for the card with ndiswrapper if the kernel dosent have the driver and you have acsess to the windows one (like on the cd that came with the card or dug out of the windows sys or sys32 files)

    in a shell,or konsole

    ndiswrapper will give the comands help.
    ifconfig will show the devices that are UP
    ifconfig -a will show all
    iwconfig will show wireless devises that are avalable

    man iwconfig will give you the man page to set it up command line stile!

    once I did the ndiswrapper deal the default network manager did fine BUT I think encription has ben problamatic for pepole. ---- my card is linksys using the Atheros chip set---

    but adding the encription via iwconfig may work---------let us know!

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG

      Re: connecting from the command line: It depends on how you're set up, I think, but here's what has generally worked for me:

      Look in your /etc/network/interfaces file and see the interfaces (the line starts with "iface".) Figure out which one is your wireless. For me it's "ath0", which I'll use in the example.

      At the command line:

      sudo ifup ath0
      Good luck...


        Re: Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG

        I think that with the new kernel the network is probably wlan0 instead of ath0, but if wlan0 does not work try ath0. You /etc/network/interfaces file should look something like this
        auto lo
        iface lo inet loopback
        auto wlan0 inet dhcp
        wireless-essid yourssid
        wireless-key your_key

        Put your ssid and key in here. You can then try to reboot, and if you are lucky network-manager might not screw you up. Otherwise you can do the sure thing and run
        sudo aptitude purge network-manager
        After that you should be able to run
        sudo ifup wlan0
        and have networking.


          Re: Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG

          Should you have to have your key sitting in a plain text file for it to work?


            Re: Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG



              Re: Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG

              vinny@Kubuntu:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
              auto lo
              iface lo inet loopback

              and my wierless works fine.?

              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
              16GB RAM
              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                Re: Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG

                That file does not configure your wireless. It is happening somewhere else.


                  Re: Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG

                  Originally posted by mando_hacker
                  That file does not configure your wireless. It is happening somewhere else.
                  what just the wireless key's then?

                  i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                  16GB RAM
                  Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                    Re: Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG

                    I am now posting this from my fresh Kubuntu 9.04 installation. It works! I did add open after the key, somehow this was necessary to connect. Strangely, it did not break the networking plasmoid (which now works as it is supposed to). And all without needing restricted drivers

                    Thank you for all your kind help. This release rocks, all my praise goes to the Kubuntu contributors.


                      Re: Cannot connect to internet with Atheros AR5005AG

                      Interesting. I suspected that a driver had now been included in the kernel, and this report seems to confirm that. Life gets much easier when you can use the standard procedures.

