Just for the fun of it, I copied my kubuntu-8.10 system on an external disk, and upgraded it to JJ. I was careful to copy over the new kernel and initrd into grub's boot directory. It boots up fine. But when I try to add the network manager plasmoid, it crashes plasma. I get a blank screen and a crash message, then after a minute or two it restarts itself -- without the nm plasmoid. Nor can I get the old knetworkmanager to work -- the release notes say it's there, but there is no executable in /usr/bin or anywhere else. A bunch of .desktop stuff, but nothing that runs. Same issues with network-manager-kde -- installs some doc files, but no binaries. Removing and reinstalling did not change anything. Am I missing something, or just alpha problems?
Oh, I should add, the network card seems to work OK, just no interface to it.
Oh, I should add, the network card seems to work OK, just no interface to it.