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[old post - solved] Network Manager Plasmoid crashes

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    [old post - solved] Network Manager Plasmoid crashes

    Just for the fun of it, I copied my kubuntu-8.10 system on an external disk, and upgraded it to JJ. I was careful to copy over the new kernel and initrd into grub's boot directory. It boots up fine. But when I try to add the network manager plasmoid, it crashes plasma. I get a blank screen and a crash message, then after a minute or two it restarts itself -- without the nm plasmoid. Nor can I get the old knetworkmanager to work -- the release notes say it's there, but there is no executable in /usr/bin or anywhere else. A bunch of .desktop stuff, but nothing that runs. Same issues with network-manager-kde -- installs some doc files, but no binaries. Removing and reinstalling did not change anything. Am I missing something, or just alpha problems?

    Oh, I should add, the network card seems to work OK, just no interface to it.
    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

    Re: Network Manager Plasmoid crashes

    have same results with my MSI Wind u100x.

    eth0 is working fine but wireless and mobile broadband have bugs.

    Hope things get better with Alpha 5 this weekend.


      Re: Network Manager Plasmoid crashes

      Update - today's update, 200+mb, did not fix the problem.
      When I try to add the Networks - Manage Network Connections widget, it crashes Plasma with error 11 and restarts the desktop. I'm assuming this update is alpha-5. Does this work for others? I really would like to get this straightened out, as JJ is a lot faster than II on this system.If it works for others, then there is something about my system that needs fixing.
      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


        Re: Network Manager Plasmoid crashes

        1st thing when I booted up was a message about the nepomukservicestub error. It suggested updating Python, python-minimal, libsmbclient, libgmp3cz, x11common, python-central, libwbclient0, libpulse0 & libxftz. While I was at it, I did a system update as well as adding plasmas.
        After update & rebooting I'm having issues, too. Weather plasma quit working & after opening add widgets it crashes! Later, my whole desktop goes black & doesn't reset. I rebooted & removed a few plasmas that I had installed earlier, thinking that might help but crashed again! Not sure what to do next.


          Re: Network Manager Plasmoid crashes

          Similar problems here. Only much worse. I upgraded from 8.10 and it seemed to go smoothly. Then I read on Kubuntu's upgrade instructions page that the new Knetwork manager might be missing. I tried to install the new one from the widget toolbar button, then it screwed everything up. My display went haywire, and I could still see a bigger cursor and move it around, but no response. I manually restarted, and now it won't even boot up.

          Instead, during the boot process, it shows this:

          kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...
          mount:mounting /dev/disk/... failed: Invalid argument
          mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
          mount: mounting /sys " "
          mount: mounting /proc " "
          Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init.
          No init found. Try passing init=bootarg.

          Busybox v1.10.2 built-in shell

          (initramfs) <-- it stops here, waiting for me to input.

          I have no idea what to do now.

          What I really want to do is just get back into the desktop once so I can backup my files and do a fresh installation. Like somebody said above, things seem to be missing from /usr, so I don't think everything's been loaded at this point. Anybody know a way I could get back in to my desktop, or burn a dvd from here?



            Re: Network Manager Plasmoid crashes

            OK, I forgot about this thread, and I should have marked it solved along time ago.
            The solution to the networking problem I was having is that there is no solution. The upgrade didn't properly install the network management plasmoid. Two workarounds: 1) install wicd, and 2) fresh install, which I did, and the plasmoid was properly installed.

            As to panamade's problem, it seems to be more serious than networking; something has messed up your initramfs. Try selecting the rescue option from the boot menu, login (if you can) and type:
            sudo update-initramfs -u
            If that doesn't get you up and running, start a new thread on the problem.
            We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

