I am trying to run both Live CD of 9.04 and the Installer on my PC. Both hang with no graphcs working, my monitor says 'No Signal'. It would seem that neither the Live CD version or the installer will cope with my Randeon X800 graphics card. I tried selecting Safe Graphics mode but that gave me flashing lines all over my monitor. My PC has 2gb memory and is an Intel Core 2 Duo processor. I have run from the CD under VirtualBox on the same PC running XP so the CD works, It also installed on my Laptop OK. Is there any way to get this to work?
Anyone any ideas?
Edit: Managed to get it to load with vga=771 on boot options. Still I'd have expected it to cope with an X800 not exactly cutting edge!
Anyone any ideas?
Edit: Managed to get it to load with vga=771 on boot options. Still I'd have expected it to cope with an X800 not exactly cutting edge!