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Total Newbie - Help with Edubuntu install wanted

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    Total Newbie - Help with Edubuntu install wanted

    I am a total linux newbie so please excuse my questions that might be obvious to the more experienced.

    I have successfully installed kubuntu and am trying to install edubuntu. I've read all the documentation I can find and still don't seem to have any joy. I've tried burning the edubuntu CD and have managed to find in kubuntu add/remove programs where I should be able to load it. Nothing I've tried there seems to work.

    The page that seems to give me what I should be doing says...

    With Edubuntu 9.04 Kubuntu users can also now get a full educational desktop by installing the edubuntu-desktop-kde package.

    All my searching on the net brings up a whole lot of different instruction on how to go about installing the edubuntu-desktop-kde package. I've tried lots that I am able to follow.

    Can anyone point me to step by step instructions for a total beginner as to how I install edubuntu onto kubuntu.


    Re: Total Newbie - Help with Edubuntu install wanted

    Looks like you should be able to open System>Konsole and enter this

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop-kde
    and give your password.

    After it is done installing, you will need to reboot your system. When the login "greeter" appears, you will click the little menu at the lower left, and choose which desktop environment you want.

    Hope this helps!

