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video artifacts after trying LiveCD?

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    video artifacts after trying LiveCD?

    I am just wondering if I am seeing things or if this is an issue. Here is the hardware info:

    Thinkpad T41, ATI 9000 Mobility IGP. Pentium M, Intel 2200BG wireless

    I believe that the open source radeon driver is used but I witnessed a lot of video artifacts or 'haywire' video at times during the boot up of the Live CD.

    I suppose it occurred just before the KDE desktop started or maybe once briefly during? I am not sure exactly but I witnessed the issue at least twice, perhaps 3 times.

    Any comments on this? Is some driver not installed yet or can anyone tell me what is going on?

    On a positive note, my wireless was able to be configured without too much trouble although it seemed a little buggy since it didn't work first try. But, being the Live CD, I am not concerned. I am more curious about the video.

    I thought my experience with the old ATI mobility graphics card would be easier (than my desktop Nvidia card) as long as I didn't enable Compiz. Perhaps, the LiveCD has Compiz effects on by default and I need to turn it off or something?

    I used to have Mepis on the laptop but I have since upgraded the HDD.

    I have 1GB of RAM but that shouldn't matter or factor into it, right?

    I also tried the latest sidux LiveDVD and there was no video artifacts and they recently moved to KDE 4.2 so why so different?

    Anyway, I don't mean to complain but I am just curious what was going on. If the install or changing a setting eliminates the artifacts or strange video 'noise', that would be comforting to know.

    Thanks to anyone who comments and/or provides further info on this topic.

    Oh yeah, do you recommend 9.04 Jaunty on a Thinkpad T4x series? Just thought I'd ask. I believe I've read of Thinkpad T4x owners having it installed or at least, KDE 4.


    Re: video artifacts after trying LiveCD?


    You are lucky, your hardware (R300 Chipset) is mostly supported by free software drivers!

    I think it may have to dowith desktop effects. I would boot again with the live CD, disable the effects, install (in memory, off the live CD) the flash plugin and firefox, and check whether you can watch HQ video in youtube. Maybe install and play tuxracer to make sure both 2D and 3D accel are ok. I don't think you want to use Desktop effects on your hardware anyways.

    BTW, my HD3200 IGP is still not fully supported by the open source drivers. So, I installed the ATI binary drivers. Before that, though, I used the Open Source ones, with no desktop effects, and 2D multimedia was super!

    To Jaunty or not to Jaunty. It runs beautifully on my eeepc, on a modest celeron @ 900 Mhz, with 1Gb RAM, on a 4Gb SSD. It literally brought new life to it. The only downside is slow boot up (it boots quickly, but KDE4 itself takes 50 seconds to load). Hardly a reason not to be the happier camper.


      Re: video artifacts after trying LiveCD?

      Thanks for the reply. I thought I might not get any replies. It's nice to know. I was wondering why sidux had no video troubles, though. Maybe they have the LiveCD set up with the desktop effects turned off by default? The KDE 4 screen isn't the "famous grey screen with 'bubbles' (I don't know how else to describe it! lol!) that turns to blue" after it has loaded.

      I don't mind turning off the effects if it avoids the periodic video 'noise' since I won't see any benefit with such an old machine anyway. As long as video from various programs work (e.g. Kaffeine etc.) and hopefully, I can watch the odd online video from Google Video/YouTube (or can catch short online videos with Flash).

      Thanks again for the reply! I was hoping to receive some confirmation of the issue either way.

      I might install both sidux and Kubuntu, not sure yet. Both have major positives that I like. Kubuntu will probably be more convenient but wanted to know if there was anything I could do about the video artifacts!


        Re: video artifacts after trying LiveCD?

        Quite frankly, I chose Kubuntu because:

        1. I like KDE
        2. The community. It is nice, friendly, and huge (especially the Ubuntu community, but all in all, most issues I find are one google away)

        Thanks for your kind words

