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[SOLVED]Kubuntu 9.04 display problem

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    [SOLVED]Kubuntu 9.04 display problem

    Hi. I'm trying to install Kubuntu 9.04 using Wubi. Installation finishes successfully, but when I reboot and select Kubuntu it shows blue progress bar and then my HDTV (I use it as a display) says "Signal is not supported. Check your PC settings." My TV max resolution is 1360x768 60Hz. I think the problem is that Kubuntu sets higher resolution. I don't have another monitor. Tell me what to do, please!

    Re: Kubuntu 9.04 display problem

    Mmm, I have never used Wubi. Do you see an option to boot in rescue mode? You could try that, and when the boot completes select the option to repair graphics. That might help ...

    Another thing would be to boot off a Kubuntu LiveCD and see if it works fine with your hardware. What graphics card do you use?


      Re: Kubuntu 9.04 display problem

      Originally posted by lmilano
      What graphics card do you use?
      Nvidia GeForce 8600GT


        Re: Kubuntu 9.04 display problem

        You may be having an issue with the display driver, please try my suggestions. Other ways to have both windows include traditional dual boot (repartitioning your drive at install time), and running off of an sdhc card or usb drive. These last two are slower, particularly the usb-drive.


          Re: Kubuntu 9.04 display problem

          Thanks for help. I pressed Esc before boot and selected Safe Graphics Mode. It booted and finished installation. Then after reboot it loaded without problems


            Re: Kubuntu 9.04 display problem

            Awesome, please edit the title of your first post to include [SOLVED] so others can benefit from the time we spent here

