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How to start the system

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    Re: How to start the system

    you see, i never said i had problem with Grub. i'm guite a newbie,so i don't really understand what's happening. so when someone suggests it's Grub, then it is to me...
    when i start PC it brings me to the screen with loading options (ubuntu/windows). when i start Ubuntu it starts these messages and it finishes at Ubuntu 9.04 myname-laptop tty1 i clearly remember there was tty0 before. that's when it used to bring flash screen.
    it all started after i tried to install Avant Window Navigator. after that Kubuntu changed to Ubuntu. so i installed KDE again and after trying to change Gnome for KDE it all collapsed.


      Re: How to start the system

      Okay, it appears X is not coming up but otherwise the system is there. Try to log in followed by

      sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
      Tell us if you encounter any problems.
      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


        Re: How to start the system

        someone will laugh...but...where do i write this? after trying to boot normally? after that ....tty1 thingy?


          Re: How to start the system

          Nope, no one is laughing As I'm not running an ubuntu system anymore I thought that
          Ubuntu 9.04 myname-laptop tty1
          is followed by a blinking cursor or some such. Can you type on that screen? Is there no login prompt?

          If not, can you describe your grub options your grub options please?
          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


            Re: How to start the system

            Ubuntu 9.04 myname-laptop tty1 was followed by
            myname-laptop login:

            whatever i type there it brings out Password. i never set up password or such...if i type there something or just press enter or wait 60 sec it gives me Login failed!


              Re: How to start the system

              Hi, that is good news - but surely you must have set up a user/root!?! After all, you were able to log in before in X - use the same username and password and proceed as above
              Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                Re: How to start the system

                Originally posted by lacroix
                you see, i never said i had problem with Grub. i'm guite a newbie,so i don't really understand what's happening. so when someone suggests it's Grub, then it is to me...
                when i start PC it brings me to the screen with loading options (ubuntu/windows). when i start Ubuntu it starts these messages and it finishes at Ubuntu 9.04 myname-laptop tty1 i clearly remember there was tty0 before. that's when it used to bring flash screen.
                it all started after i tried to install Avant Window Navigator. after that Kubuntu changed to Ubuntu. so i installed KDE again and after trying to change Gnome for KDE it all collapsed.
                When you start the PC the first screen you see has the options of ubuntu and windows. This is the boot screen which lists the Operating Systems that you have available detected by the boot loader, known as GRUB. You choose one of the options, in this case, Ubuntu and the system boots that Operating System.

                When the system is finished booting you get a screen with
                Ubuntu 9.04 myname-laptop tty1

                After the tty1 is there a $ or is there a #
                A $ indicates that you are in a user terminal. A # indicates that you are in a root terminal.
                If you are in a root terminal you can type "kdm" which stands for KDE Display Manager (without the quotes)
                If you are in a user terminal, type sudo kdm. The system will then ask you for your password. Type it and it will not be echoed. Then report what happens; either, KDE starts, or, you get an error message. If you get an error message, what is the message?
                HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


                  Re: How to start the system

                  Originally posted by toad
                  Hi, that is good news - but surely you must have set up a user/root!?! After all, you were able to log in before in X - use the same username and password and proceed as above
                  all this was there before and it just logged in itself without me typing anything...i know my password, but login? i tried myname....Login failed and it want another login and password...


                    Re: How to start the system

                    Originally posted by kevinc
                    When you start the PC the first screen you see has the options of ubuntu and windows. This is the boot screen which lists the Operating Systems that you have available detected by the boot loader, known as GRUB. You choose one of the options, in this case, Ubuntu and the system boots that Operating System.

                    When the system is finished booting you get a screen with
                    Ubuntu 9.04 myname-laptop tty1

                    After the tty1 is there a $ or is there a #
                    A $ indicates that you are in a user terminal. A # indicates that you are in a root terminal.
                    If you are in a root terminal you can type "kdm" which stands for KDE Display Manager (without the quotes)
                    If you are in a user terminal, type sudo kdm. The system will then ask you for your password. Type it and it will not be echoed. Then report what happens; either, KDE starts, or, you get an error message. If you get an error message, what is the message?
                    as i said later it stops at myname-laptop login:


                      Re: How to start the system

                      OK. When you get the login:
                      you need to enter the name of a user, the name you used when you set up the system
                      then the next line will ask you for the password.
                      If you enter a correct username and corresponding password, you will be logged in.
                      If you remember your password and it won't accept your username, try root
                      then for password, try your password.

                      If that fails, you can try booting your system from the Kubuntu 9.04 CD and use 'rescue system' instead of install. It would be good to look at this
                      HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


                        Re: How to start the system

                        OK, i tried everything possible...doesnt work
                        but i still don't understand why it's booting from (hd1,1) when the system is installed on (hd0,0)...


                          Re: How to start the system

                          Originally posted by lacroix
                          OK, i tried everything possible...doesnt work
                          but i still don't understand why it's booting from (hd1,1) when the system is installed on (hd0,0)...
                          Grub and Linux do not always agree on disk numbering, especially when there are both PATA and SATA hard drives.


                            Re: How to start the system

                            i have no idea how to 'rescue system' using CD as there is no such option there

