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After Jaunty upgrade, X hard locks the laptop.

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    After Jaunty upgrade, X hard locks the laptop.

    So my wife casually asked me, "this says there's a new version out, should I click the button to upgrade?"
    And I answered, "I did on my laptop and it went smooth and I love it."

    Now her laptop won't start X. :/

    Fortunately she doesn't blame me. But she is quite irritated...

    It threw no errors in the upgrade process, but on reboot when it tried to start up kdm the video went all... funny... and the laptop hard locked.

    By funny, I mean it seemed to show the kubuntu logo in two places, all with weird squiggly multicolored lines going through it.

    Things I have tried and all result in the same thing, a hard locked laptop (by hard locked, I mean I have to hold the power button down to shut it off/reboot it. Tapping power doesn't work, ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't work, ctrl-alt-f1 doesn't work, ctrl-alt-del doesn't work...):

    1. Starting X with: X --config /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    2. Using "xfix" from the recovery mode.
    3. Using every other option available in the recovery mode that suggested it could fix things.
    4. Running X --configure and doing X --config /root/
    5. Switching to the "vesa" video driver and starting X.
    6. Specifying really low/easy resolution/color depths with the Intel and the Vesa driver.

    Oh, right, it's a Dell Latitude D610 with an Intel 915GM graphics controller.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated... I'm currently downloading the live cd to see if the Kubuntu Jaunty live cd can get X started.


    Re: After Jaunty upgrade, X hard locks the laptop.


    apt-get remove xserver-xorg
    Then hal had issues restarting, I had to ctrl-c.
    /etc/init.d/dbus start
    /etc/init.d/hal start
    dpkg --configure -a
    apt-get --auto-remove
    apt-get isntall xserver-xorg

    And happy happy!

