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borked 804-904 upgrade [[[[!!!SOLVED!!!]]]]

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    Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

    Originally posted by SudaDreamS
    Hi there ...

    i solved my problem using instructions here:
    tried that and I got a dog's breakfast of coloured pixels ... but at least something happened! Now I'll try the nuking of xorg.conf and see what happens

    also I tried
    glxinfo |grep vendor
    and got
    Error: unable to open display
    I'm thinking this isn't right either ...

    lspci -nn |grep VGA
    tells me
    )1:00:0 vga compatible controller [0300] ATI Technologies Inc RV630 Pro AGP [Radeon HD2600 Pro AGP] [1002:9587]

    on another note, how to I send cli output or file guts to the printer? I've having to write everything on paper, reboot to XP to keep this going ...
    WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


      Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

      I have tried every command I could find in various posts, help files, wiki's etc to remove and purge everything that relates to ending the fglrx tyranny I seem to be stuck in

      on a whim, at a recovery root prompt, I ran
      locate *fglrx*

      there are still handy to 160 files containing it splattered all over the place. Should I just delete them all and see what happens?
      WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


        Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

        I'm not proficient with ATI graphics cards -- sorry. The old fglrx driver is not supported by the new server, AFAIK, and the newer radeon driver does not (yet) support the HD2600 Pro, I think. I'm not sure there is a solution, short of installing an nVidia card -- sorry.


          Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

          Firstly, maybe I missed it in some of the instructions you've said you've followed already, but have you tried the classic bit yet?

          sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
          I know I used that to great effect (affect, too ) back in the day when NVIDIA and Kubuntu didn't play well together at all in my dual monitor setup (mainly because I was using two very different CRT monitors...and trust me, the issues with them in Linux paled in comparison to the hair-pulling I did in Windows, heh). Of course, when I did that I always made backups of xorg.conf, but these days the actual /etc/X11/xorg.conf file doesn't always seem to do much, and furthermore your setup seems entirely borked anyways!

          Another question, it's a bit of a desperation move but have you tried the actual current AMD/ATI Catalyst driver? I see it's at 9.6, which should have no problem supporting the current version of


            Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

            Originally posted by dibl
            I'm not sure there is a solution, short of installing an nVidia card -- sorry.
            is there not a vanilla default vesa driver that would work while I scratch up for a new card?
            WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


              Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

              Originally posted by KeithZG
              have you tried the classic bit yet?

              sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
              I can now do that in my sleep ... it actually makes things worse :-(
              Originally posted by KeithZG
              have you tried the actual current AMD/ATI Catalyst driver?
              if you know somehow to download it from cli, I'll try anything right about now ...
              WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


                Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                Does this work (not sure whether akamai's are temporary)?

                wget [url][/url]
                Make sure you generate Jaunty packages and install the packages (use the --help switch to learn how)


                  Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                  Originally posted by lmilano
                  not sure whether akamai's are temporary?
                  Error 503: Service Unavailable
                  WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


                    Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                    Originally posted by tom_d
                    Originally posted by lmilano
                    not sure whether akamai's are temporary?
                    Error 503: Service Unavailable
                    I just tried at home and it works, maybe you have no network? Try ping:

                    santisofi@asucena:~$ ping [url][/url]
                    PING [url][/url] ( 56(84) bytes of data.
                    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=242 time=46.4 ms
                    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=242 time=47.1 ms


                      Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                      Originally posted by lmilano
                      I just tried at home and it works, maybe you have no network? Try ping:
                      no- that's working fine- just tried update and dist-upgrade without a glitch.

                      I did find one typo (on my part ...) and now it's giving me a 404 on

                      does the 64 at the end signify amd64? if so, I only need the 32hp version ...

                      dammit ... just checked again, and found another of MY typo's ... DUH!
                      it's coming in now ...
                      WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


                        Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                        the 64 means that it supports 32 AND 64 bit, don't worry!


                          Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                          Originally posted by lmilano
                          don't worry!
                          I guess it comes under the title "Something ventured, nothing gained" ...

                          I tried
                          <code>sh ./ --help</code>
                          and found the --buildpkg Ubuntu/jaunty part
                          all seemed to trot right along, lots of downloading and configuring, not an error in sight. Rebooted, and I'm right back to the swirling red 'video mode not supported' box

                          tried <code> dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg</code>
                          but that made no difference at all- it just speaks to keyboard etc, and never anything to do with video

                          is there something I need to force in xorg.conf?
                          WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


                            Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                            Did you, at any point, actually install the .deb packags that were created? Something like this:

                             dpkg -i *.deb
                            you need to do that in the same directory where you extracted the ati installer, and where you should see all the created debs. Did you go through that step?


                              Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                              [quote=lmilano ]
                              Did you, at any point, actually install the .deb packags that were created? Something like this:
                              [code] dpkg -i *.deb
                              you need to do that in the same directory where you extracted the ati installer, and where you should see all the created debs. Did you go through that step?

                              the ati installer didn't give me any opportunity to choose a directory. When the list of debs came up, I ran
                              dpkg -i 1.deb 2.deb 3.b etc
                              (there were perhaps 6- and I used tab complete to add them in- I just assumed they would know wherre they wanted to go.)

                              I now get a mostly black screen with a patch of blue pixels across the bottom, three blocks of pink/mauve/pruple about 1/3 down from the top, various other patches of colour[/code]
                              WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


                                Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                                [quote=tom_d ]
                                the ati installer didn't give me any opportunity to choose a directory. When the list of debs came up, I ran [code]dpkg -i 1.deb 2.deb 3.b etc
                                (there were perhaps 6- and I used tab complete to add them in- I just assumed they would know wherre they wanted to go.)

                                YOu did the right thing, and yes, the installer puts the stuff in teh right place

                                I now get a mostly black screen with a patch of blue pixels across the bottom, three blocks of pink/mauve/pruple about 1/3 down from the top, various other patches of colour
                                Yes, this is a known bug, unfortunately, and many people have had horrible issues with it

                                Here is how _I_ fixed it:

                                You don't need to retype all these commands, if you can put them inside a text file called commands.txt from outside kubuntu in a place kubuntu sees, then you can do:

                                sudo sh your_file.txt

                                Hope this fixes your issue!

