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borked 804-904 upgrade [[[[!!!SOLVED!!!]]]]

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    Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

    Originally posted by lmilano

    Yes, this is a known bug, unfortunately, and many people have had horrible issues with it
    Here is how _I_ fixed it:
    Hope this fixes your issue!
    I'll give it a try next time I'm home
    more later!
    WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


      Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

      Originally posted by lmilano
      Hope this fixes your issue!
      unable to open /etc/ati/control
      please reinstall the driver
      aticonfig: no supported adaptors detected
      so back to the akamai package and try it again
      WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


        Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

        Make sure, once you find these debs, to run dpkg -i *deb
        Maybe do it twice, look for errors!


          Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

          Originally posted by lmilano
          Make sure, once you find these debs, to run dpkg -i *deb
          Maybe do it twice, look for errors!
          I went digging through --help again, and this time I tried
           buildandinstallpkg Ubuntu/jaunty
          (earlier this morning, and I may not be remembering it all- but did as it told me) It whipped right through, not an error in site until it was all through, then bang:
          unable to open /etc/ati/control
          please reinstall the driver
          aticonfig: no supported adaptors detected
          I just went through the ATI site, and it definitely says it supports my HD2600Pro card.

          So I'm boggled. The only other card I have available is also ATI, and it's a five hour roundtrip drive to the nearest nVidia card
          WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


            Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

            This file is provided by xorg-driver-fglrx:

            lmilano@grisell:~$ dpkg -S /etc/ati/control
            xorg-driver-fglrx: /etc/ati/control
            Can you run the following command? (I show my output so you can compare)

            lmilano@grisell:~$ dpkg --get-selections |grep fglrx
            fglrx-amdcccle                 install
            fglrx-kernel-source               install
            fglrx-modaliases                install
            xorg-driver-fglrx                install


              Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

              Originally posted by lmilano

              ~$ dpkg -S /etc/ati/control
              xorg-driver-fglrx: /etc/ati/control
              mine says exactly the same

              Can you run the following command? (I show my output so you can compare)

              ~$ dpkg --get-selections |grep fglrx
              fglrx-amdcccle                install
              fglrx-kernel-source            install
              fglrx-modaliases               install
              xorg-driver-fglrx              install
              ~$ dpkg --get-selections |grep fglrx
              fglrx-amdcccle                 install
              fglrx-kernel-source             install
              fglrx-modaliases               install
              xorg-driver-fglrx                install
              xorg-driver-fglrx-dev            install
              xorg-driver-fglrx-envy           deinstall
              rebooted to default (ie without recovery mode) the blue progress bar gets about 1/4 across, hangs, dumps me to white text on black b/g for the rest of the startup, flashes the red 'video mode not supported' for a split second, then displays a block of blue and white smear-ey pixels for the bottom 15% of the screen, and a bar of scattered purplish pixels about two cm wide down 15% from the top.
              WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


                Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                arrgg. This envy thing could be trouble. I would purge it from the system.

                sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx-envy

                I hope _that_ helps, then I would reinstall these packages. The file


                should be there! Make sure you use sudo for all these things, or run "sudo -i" to become superuser (root)


                  Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                  arrgg. This envy thing could be trouble. I would purge it from the system.
                  sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx-envy
                  And Ye Electron Goddess sez:
                  "is not installed, so not removed"

                  I hope _that_ helps
                  what _She_ sez ... :-)

                  then I would reinstall these packages. The file
                  should be there!
                  well, I redid the install, same error, and it's not there- there are about 10 or 12 files, one of which is control.dpkg.bak, but that's it for files starting with "c"

                  Make sure you use sudo for all these things, or run "sudo -i" to become superuser (root)
                  I'm at root prompt in recovery mode ... sudo doesn't count there afaik
                  WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


                    Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                    ah, in the command line ou may need to install and then purge

                    sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx-envy 
                    sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx-envy
                    If this works, I would then try to install all the debs for the ati driver again and see if it goes through


                      Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                      Originally posted by lmilano
                      ah, in the command line ou may need to install and then purge

                      sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx-envy 
                      sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx-envy
                      If this works, I would then try to install all the debs for the ati driver again and see if it goes through
                      it says it can't install it because the package isn't available. I did remove --purge again, updatedb and locate *envy* shows only four files, none of which look dangerous (2@ /usr/lib/python2.3, a log file, one other I can't remember.

                      ran buildandinstallpkg again, no difference: still trundles right through to the end, then spit out the same
                      unable to open /etc/ati/control
                      please reinstall the driver
                      aticonfig: no supported adaptors detected

                      and no, there is still no /etc/ati/control file

                      WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


                        Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                        I think it's probably better to:

                        * first, purge all fglrx packages (like you tried for this one)
                        * run the installer and *create* (not install automatically) the packages

                        Make sure you do get the packages. After that:

                        * dpkg -i *.deb

                        And look at the output, and please report it. If you have a second computer where you can type while trying things, we should probably try IRC or skype one of these days (best over the weekend). I hope we can fix it before that.


                          Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                          Originally posted by lmilano
                          I think it's probably better to:

                          * first, purge all fglrx packages (like you tried for this one)
                          * run the installer and *create* (not install automatically) the packages

                          Make sure you do get the packages. After that:

                          * dpkg -i *.deb

                          And look at the output, and please report it. If you have a second computer where you can type while trying things, we should probably try IRC or skype one of these days (best over the weekend). I hope we can fix it before that.
                          I'll take a run at that on the weekend- thanks much for your help thus far!
                          WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


                            Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                            Originally posted by lmilano
                            I think it's probably better to:
                            * first, purge all fglrx packages
                            OK- I'm back :-)
                            I have run
                            apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx*
                            it flagged fglrx-modaliases (I think??) as needing autoremove, which I did

                            it also flagged /usr/share/ati and /etc/ati as unremoveable as not empty, so I rm-r to both

                            updatedb and locate *fglrx* gives:
                            - numerous hits in /lib/linux-restricted-modules/2.6.24-16,19,21,22,23,24
                            - two in /lib/modules/2/6/24-23 and 24
                            - one in /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-generic/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko
                            - three in /usr/share/doc
                            - one in /usr/share/lintian/overrides/
                            - six in /usr/share/linux-restricted-modules/2/6/24-19.21.22 and 23
                            - thirty-six in /usr/src/
                            - well over 100 in /var/lib/dkms
                            - four in /var/lib/dpkg/

                            any that I should not nuke before I try the reinstall?
                            WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645


                              Re: borked 804-904 upgrade


                              Please look at this whole thread, grab a coffee and read it all. I helped someone solve exactly your problem. Please read it upside down and we'll both save a ton of time.


                              The most relevant post is this one ( I just edited it for ya )


                              This should get you going! Good luck!


                                Re: borked 804-904 upgrade

                                Originally posted by lmilano

                                Please look at this whole thread, grab a coffee and read it all. I helped someone solve exactly your problem. Please read it upside down and we'll both save a ton of time
                                and away we go ... back in a bit :-)

                                and a bit later:
                                apt-get install:
                                - build-essential (already newest, set to manually installed)
                                - cdbs (already newest)
                                - fakeroot (already newest)
                                - debhelper (already newest)
                                - debconf (already newest)
                                - libstdc++5 (already newest, set to manually installed)
                                - dkms (already newest, set to manually installed)
                                it did want dh-make, which installed no errors (0.47)

                                created (but did not run) /etc/X11/ from
                                (btw- is line3 "aticonfig --initlal" not "--initial" ?)
                                and then chmod +x

                                sh ./ --buildpkg Ubuntu/jaunty
                                ran smooth, no errors, created 6 debs

                                dpkg -i *deb
                                ran smooth, no errors, installed 6 debs

                                rebooted normally, got red "video mode not supported" box

                                rebooted restore/root
                                ran /etc/X11/ (which is where I found the error about typo above)

                                rebooted normally, got red "video mode not supported" box

                                rebooted restore/root
                                ran corrected /etc/X11/

                                rebooted normally, got red "video mode not supported" box

                                rebooted restore/root
                                ran corrected /etc/X11/ again:
                                uninitialized file found, configuring.
                                using xorg.conf
                                saved back-up to xorg.conf.fglrx-5
                                set key DDX, EnableRandR12
                                Warning: Option 'DesktopSetup' doesn't affect running session
                                using xorg.conf
                                saved back-up to xorg.conf.fglrx-6
                                rebooted normally, still getting red "video mode not supported" box
                                WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF WHEN WE&#39;RE ALL BETTER OFF<br />User # 17645

