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Would you even try it...?

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    Would you even try it...?

    I have an older computer that I installed 6.06 LTS on when it came out..after that I Had a newer computer that used windows xp..well, like so often happens with too many users and internet access the XP machine is a POS now. So, I plugged in my old trusty Kubuntu system and I am off and running again.
    I received my new 9.04 CD in the mail today and I want to upgrade. So, here's the dilemma. Do I try an upgrade straight from 6.06 LTS (is that even possible?) Or do I go through the upgrades one by one till I get to 9.04? I don't really want to do this as I do not have CDs for each release and would rather not download and burn ISOs for each.
    What are your thoughts?


    Re: Would you even try it...?

    No, there is no upgrade path from 6.06. Based on the number of complaints for every subsequent upgrade, I wouldn't try it even if I had the stack of CDs for all the intermediate releases. It would take longer and have less chance of success than if you just bite the bullet and do a clean new installation of 9.04.

    But, you say "older" -- did you review the minimum specs for a 9.04 system? If the 6.06 system is performing satisfactorily, you might want to contemplate how badly you want 9.04. You can always boot the 9.04 Live CD and see how you feel about it -- the new KDE 4 is "not your father's KDE" ....


      Re: Would you even try it...?

      I am running from the live CD as we speak..I like the GUI and I am a "upgrade nut"..I figured from 6.06 to 9.04 there has to be some useful stuff.
      I will probably do the fresh install, I just didn't really want to save off all of my photos, etc. BUT, I guess that is the only way..I was just trying to be lazy. :-)
      Thanks for the response.
      I'm sure I'll be back with more questions as I get back into Linux after a long hiatus.



        Re: Would you even try it...?

        1. Backup anything on the computer that's important before you even consider upgrading.

        2. I don't think you can upgrade to Jaunty from anything earlier than Hardy. I may be wrong, and I openly invite corrections on this point.

        3. Generally speaking you're better off doing a fresh install than trying to upgrade anyway. I always do a fresh install, after making at least two backups of anything important to me.

        4. Since it sounds like this computer is not very new, you should try running the Jaunty live CD before installing. That way you can find out what kind of problems you may run into (e.g. slowness), if any.

        5. I'm still using Hardy, as I'm sure many other are too. If Jaunty is too much for your old computer, consider Hardy with KDE 3.5 as a very live-able compromise.
        Welcome newbies!
        Verify the ISO
        Kubuntu's documentation


          Re: Would you even try it...?

          All depending on the disk space you have you could do as I did.
          I set aside a 15 GB partition and installed the new version's / (root) on it while the old partition was assigned /home.
          During the install you get the option to either format the /home or leave it in tact, I did the last.

          The result was a extra option in Grub where I can now choose between the old and the new install.
          I logged in on the old install and copied most stuff from the old /home to the new and when I rebooted in the new version all was good

          Because I use the same login on both the rights (1001) are identical.

          I considered making links instead of copying the data and settings but eventually I want to remove the old version.

