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Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

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    Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

    Thanks to all in advance...

    Sorry for my english... I could have some mistakes, sorry about this...

    I have been looking for a solution in google, and this forums for two weeks, without to find a solution. If there are a solution here, sorry, but I didn't find it...

    Well, i downloaded Kubuntu 9.04 for AMD64. My computer is a laptop HP tx2625es (tablet pc).
    It has AMD Turion X2 64 2.1GHz, 3GB RAM DDR800, HD Serial ATA 320GB, AMD/ATI mainboard (yes is correct) and AMD/ATI HD3200 graphics card. I have an ExpressCard slot (not used), Broadcom WIFI BR4322, a realtek card reader, and a WACOM touch screen.

    I have successfully booted the system with some live OS's, like Knoppix 6.1, wifislax 3.1 and Wifiway 1b2, and I tried without success Knoppix DVD 5.1, Backtrack 3, and.... Kubuntu 9.04. Pretty soon i want to try luck with debian lenny, for testing purposes, but I'd like to have Kubuntu anyway.

    I want to install Kubuntu 9.04 as primary operating system, but I can't boot the system from the instalation CD. I have tried to pass to the loader aditional boot options (acpi=off, acpi=noirq, pci=noacpi, hpet=off, noagp, nopcmcia, nousb... and so on) by all ways (one by one, many combinations of all, removing the -- at the end of the options line, placing the options before and after the --...) and I get always the same behavior: it freezes at the boot screen (the screen were I entered the options, the screen that has KUBUNTU at the top, the options at the middle, and the F1, F2, F3... descriptions at bottom.

    Thank again for your time reading this message!!!

    Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

    hi .....your english is not as bad as my spelling so hear we

    it's strang that it freezes at the boot screen as it hasent even tryed to load eneything yet? so check your ISO with the md5 and make shure it's good. then burn anuther disk at the slowest speed to reduse the chance of rite errors .

    and post back.

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

      A modern system like yours shouldn't have any problems with Kubuntu Jaunty, as you say you have run live CD's from other systems.

      Ideas: don't use any boot options at all. You may have done this first, then when that didn't work, try one option at a time, but I've found most newer computers don't need them, unless you have something quite unusual - and it doesn't look that way.

      Vinny's advice is good, check the MD5sum of the iso before burning the CD at 4* or less. I use K3B and it usually burns at 16* without any problems, but most people suggest the lower speed because of the high compression of the live CD's.
      HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


        Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

        Ok, cheers!!!

        I'll try tonight, and I'll bring you news then.... (I hope good news... lol)

        Thank you a lot!!


          Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

          I have a similar problem as piloto222222.
          I installed Kubuntu 9.04 from the Free CD (which I ordered because at my place in Indonesia downloading takes hours).
          But I want to have a backup of the CD, so I made a copy with K3b. And found that I cannot use the copy, because my laptop freezes at the boot screen, exactly like piloto222222's laptop.
          Then I saw the suggestion by vinnywright to burn the CD at slower speed. Well, my Kb3 does not burn slower than 10x, so I chose this speed. Same result, and indeed the verification after burning told me that the written track differed from the original.
          By the way, my laptop is a Compaq Presario V3700, only half a year old.

          My solution: I ordered another free CD!


            Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

            theo1006 is a friend of mine.
            I am a Gentoo user,but I installed Kubuntu-9.04 to better help him.
            He uses a laptop,while I have a desktop.
            To simulate the laptop situation I inserted my copy of Kubuntu09.04
            in the burner and not as I would normally do in the reader.
            K3b ripped the contents to a file in the /tmp directory.
            So far it did what it is supposed to do.
            I then continued to have it burn a new cd which went w/o any errors.
            This cd boots,I can set the language and then it freezes.
            I did the same thing in my Gentoo install,same version of k3b 1.0.5.
            The cd produced by Gentoo works as it should.
            I tried one more thing in Kubuntu.I had k3b rip the cd to /tmp
            and then opened /tmp in dolphin.I rightclicked on the rip and selected
            k3b to open it.
            K3b opened alright but with a line in red saying error.
            I browsed Kubuntu/Ubuntu files on the net to submit a bugreport
            but I can't find out how to do that.


              Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

              Are you ripping the contents of the Kubuntu Live CD? You can't make a copy of an ISO image on a CD by doing that.

              To copy the CD, you have to copy it "as ISO" -- it is a single ISO file, not the contents of the ISO file.

              If your desktop PC has both a CD ROM "read-only" drive, and a full optical "reads and burns" drive, then put the Kubuntu Live CD in the read-only drive, and use K3b to "burn CD ISO image" to a blank CD in the burner. The source file will be the Live CD in the read-only drive.


                Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

                You should read what theo and I wrote better.
                Why would it work in Gentoo and not in Kubuntu?
                PS How come after more than 8000 posts you apparently
                know so little?


                  Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

                  Yep, I read it again.

                  #1 here:


                  P.S. I don't learn anything when I'm posting.


                    Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

                    Please tell me how to submit a bug report for (k)ububtu.
                    With Gentoo it's quite simple but here I failed to find
                    where to go.
                    Because this is a bug.


                      Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)


                      Use Launchpad, Ubuntu section:


                      Good luck with it!


                        Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

                        Hi dibl,

                        I´m not that experienced as you or Pietjepuck. Just one question.
                        If part of the advice is to burn a copy of the live CD with 4x speed, why is it that the lowest speed I can choose in K3b is 10x?



                          Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

                          Sorry for jumping in here dibl,

                          Theo - I have seen this on occasion when burning, and my guess is that the burner and the CD together has something to do with this.

                          The burner on my laptop here allows me to do slower burns than 10, actually I am burning a Kubuntu iso now at 4x. But I also noticed that you can not set speed without a CD in the drive, so it points to the kind of CD you are actually using.

                          Then again - I could be wrong :-)
                          Software tips (in Norwegian):


                            Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

                            Originally posted by theo1006
                            Hi dibl,

                            I´m not that experienced as you or Pietjepuck. Just one question.
                            If part of the advice is to burn a copy of the live CD with 4x speed, why is it that the lowest speed I can choose in K3b is 10x?

                            K3b checks both the burner AND the cd for what burning speed's are suported IF the cd suports 10x-42x but the burner suports 4x-52x you will still onley get 10x-42x as choises.
                            + some times you half to open the speed chois box and select the slowest speed and then open it agin to see slower speeed's

                            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                            16GB RAM
                            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                              Re: Kubuntu 9.04 freezes at booting (initial screen)

                              Originally posted by theo1006

                              If part of the advice is to burn a copy of the live CD with 4x speed, why is it that the lowest speed I can choose in K3b is 10x?

                              This is strictly a hardware and/or kernel limitation -- K3b will support any burn speed that your hardware is capable of.




                              I think the official *buntu recommendation is "no faster than 8X", but 4X is the safest. As you have demonstrated, 10X can result in a defective burn. Live CDs use far more aggressive compression than audio/video CDs, so you can't tolerate any errors. Audio CDs burned at 48X can have many errors and you will not hear them, and they will play, but an ISO with a full Linux OS is a different beast, and cannot tolerate a single error.

                              That is why it needs to be 4X.

