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Bad video when using desktop effects

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    Bad video when using desktop effects

    I would like to use KDE desktop effects, but I can not because when the effects are enabled then the video (fullscreen video via VLC) is bad (bad quality, not smooth).
    When I desable the effects, everything is OK.

    I use OpenGl.
    When I ****ch to Xrender then I dont have any desktop effects even if they are turned on.

    How can I have both - desktop effect and smooth fullscreen video?


    Re: Bad video when using desktop effects

    Have you tried ? VLC > Tools > Preferences > Video > Output (xv / X11)

    Your hardware / drivers / xorg.conf settings ?
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Bad video when using desktop effects

      AFAIK this can happen when the video player uses a different video system than the desktop.

      If KWin uses X11 change VLC settings to use X11.
      if KWin uses direct rendering (=video driver) then change VLC settings to use direct rendering (=video driver)

      Hope this helps


        Re: Bad video when using desktop effects

        Out of curiosity, what video chipset is in your system?

        The reason I ask is because many users (myself included) are experiencing problems with the Intel driver in Kubuntu 9.04, namely performance that is pretty awful.

        I turned off desktop effects on my system, which helped some, but it's still not perfect.


