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9.04 and GF8800 (small desktop resolution)

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    9.04 and GF8800 (small desktop resolution)

    I upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04 yesterday and spent good ~6 hours to make it play nice and give me back my desktop resolution (1920x1200) which 8.04 had no problem with. 9.04 restricted my desktop to 1360x760 and would not go higher even with the nvidia binary driver in place. Tried several versions of the nvidia binary driver ranging from 173 to newest 180.51, all with out desired result. Not even a backup xorg.conf with all the correct settings would convince 9.04

    Any other nvidia owners had problems with 9.04 and low desktop resolutions?

    Re: 9.04 and GF8800 (small desktop resolution)

    No -- that doesn't sound right. That GF 8800 should run your desktop with no issues.

    I'm presently running the 185.19 Beta drive, but I'm not sure it is still available on There's a bug in 185.18.08 -- don't try it. 180.51 should just work.

    The procedure I wrote here should work if you follow it exactly:

    Since your setup is buggered, when you get to the end of installing the downloaded driver (Step 8.e.), answer "Y" to the question of writing a new xorg.conf file.

    Then, when you restart X, if the resolution is not what you want, do Alt-F2 "kdesudo nvidia-settings" with no quote marks, open X Configuration, click "detect display", and then set the resolution. I recommend you leave refresh set to "auto". Then click the "Save to X Configuration File" button and it will write a modeline into your xorg.conf file. After this, it should come up to your desired resolution every time you boot.

