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Desktop effects automatically disabled on login

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    Desktop effects automatically disabled on login

    Hello *,

    I've updated my notebook from Kubuntu 8.04 to 9.04 last weekend. Everything works perfectly fine (kudos to the Kubuntu team! ) except for one extremely annoying bug: Every time I login, my KDE desktop effects are deactivated.

    I've remotely connected to my machine via SSH and checked when exactly ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc changes and I found out that it happens during login:

    I open the "System settings" => "Desktop" and toggle the check-box "Enable desktop effects", click "Apply" and the damn cool cube is there

    Then I check ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc and the section [Compositing] says "Enabled=true" (=> no file permission problem).

    I logout and check the configuration file again: No change (still compositing enabled).

    I login again and now [Compositing] says "Enabled=false" - and of course the cube is not there

    Any idea how I can prevent this from happening? I already posted to the KDE forum and was told that one possible reason is that "Something other than KWin is reverting ... [my] choice". Hence, I assume that there might still be an update-script lingering somewhere. Any hints? Anything I can do to get rid of this problem?

    Btw. I'm running Kubuntu 9.04 on a Nexoc E 705 III Extreme notebook with an Nvidia GeForce 8800M GTX (at least that's what lspci says).

    Best regards, Marco

    Re: Desktop effects automatically disabled on login

    Try checking "Disable functionality checks" in the Advanced tab in desktop effects settings, to see if that makes a difference (by default desktop effects are turned off if kwin thinks they are too slow)


      Re: Desktop effects automatically disabled on login

      I have the same problem early. And I have tried everything I could and without any luck .
      I have reach the conclusion that kwirc file is writing on logon every time it appends one.
      I have change the permissions of the file (remove write permission) and after a bunch of errors (due to the permission of kwinrc) on logon the effects where ok.

      But for more incredible, I am working at this moment with "jaunty amd64) and the effects work perfectly with any problems at all.

      My laptop is one HP Pavilion DV7 series AMD64 Turion X2 with ATI Radeon graphics.

      Sorry I can help more.

      Regards, Paulo

