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Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

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    Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

    Bailout thanks for your input and the info. I am seriously considering moving to Gnome - certainly on my Acer. Now that I see (from your info) that I can easily use Digikam in Gnome and I do like the Jaunty remix devised for Gnome it's only a matter of time before I move over.
    About the Digikam AND kphotoalbum question. Here I am treading on uncertain ground. I'll explain the background and you can then see if my conclusions are right.
    One important factor - in the field of photography I am new to the Linux possibilities. I used Windows for all my photography work because I was familiar with the programs. I have made the quantum leap to Linux and in the field of photography am still "feeling my way around."
    I am an avid photographer with thousands of photos all over my computer, on external drives (both CD's and hard drives) as well as thousands of photos and slides from pre-digital days. I am looking for a solution for two needs. One is the ability to tweak photos which (if I understand correctly) Digikam gives me and if I really want to do "serious" work there is always Gimp.
    The other need is a good cataloguing program. Here is the real problem. In windows there is IMatch which I tried and had I not moved over to Linux would have purchased. My idea of a catalogue program is one that stores a thumbnail of all photos on some sort of database and will "remember" which photos are where even if they are stored on a media which isn't connected to the computer at a particular time. I THINK (and hope - as I haven't tried it out yet properly) that Kphotoalbum does just that.
    I have heard that Digikam also has a database which does this so maybe I am playing an overkill. These are the two projects I hope to resolve for myself in the next while. Until then I thought I'd keep all my options open and be able to use both Digikam & Kphotoalbum. I could be VERY wrong, of course.
    If there is anybody out there with more knowledge about this question I'd be happy to hear.


      Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

      Originally posted by errol
      At home I have to use a static IP address and configuration
      At work I use dhcp
      I've solved the wandering laptop issue by using the router to assign a specific ip to the mac address every time. I can't be much help here, but there should be a "static ip table" or some such somewhere in your router's configuration.

      This way, at home they have their assigned IP addresses and can talk to each other, while elsewhere they can grab IPs from whatever offers them.

      Noone else may have these opinions without paying my retainer


        Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

        beware sometimes you can't do that in your router. i have a linksys wrt54g, and the option is no where to be found in its config. the fact that some routers do not have the ability to manually set an ip address boggles my mind. and if i am wrong do let me know how to config this on my router.
        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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          Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

          Originally posted by dochawk

          I've solved the wandering laptop issue by using the router to assign a specific ip to the mac address every time.
          I don't use a "normal" router for my wireless connection at home. In order for my wireless computers to be able to connect and "see" the other computers on our intranet I use a access point wireless connection. That is the reason I have to use a static IP at home. (I can explain the whole system in more detail if requested).

          I have moved over to the remix version of Jaunty Ubuntu on my Acer. On my work & home computers I still use Kubuntu KDE4.2.
          The one strange thing that Ubuntu remix does is that it boots into the desktop immediately, without the need for a user name and password. Password is only required for "sudo" commands. I am still "groping around" trying to find out how to do things the gnome way instead of the KDE way I'm used to. I am still on a learning curve, not sure I like what I've got but do like the desktop interface.


            Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

            do you have a router @ home ? if so your access point should pass thru the dhcp assigned ip, (much the way my access point @ work does).
            Originally posted by errol
            Ubuntu remix does is that it boots into the desktop immediately
            check here (left menu ->system-> administration->login window) there should be an option to change that,

            From my brief time using the netbook remix (i don't have a netbook, was setting it up for someone). i noticed that some the options from the regular gnome menu version of system's prefs and admin were not found on the netbook menus so i added the control center instead. here is how you also can do it.
            Open the menu editor (in system-> prefs->main menu) look for "system" and click on it now you should see on the right side of the editor both administration and preferences. they should be checked off, so we want to uncheck them, and check instead the control center then close the program. you can now find the control center under the accessories portion of the menu. for some reason it does not show nicely on the left side. where system was.It contains all the options that are located in both prefs and admin section of system.
            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
            (top of thread: thread tools)


              Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

              Sithlord48, thanks for your advice on dealing with Remix. I will change things as you suggested.

              Originally posted by sithlord48
              do you have a router @ home ? if so your access point should pass thru the dhcp assigned ip, (much the way my access point @ work does).
              About the router question: I use an access point and not a router at home because of the way we set up our internet system. I live on a kibbutz and we have built an "independent" internet system. What I mean is that our whole system is a closed system, connecting to "the world" through a very protected router. In order to control who uses our system we do not allow users to randomly connect to our system. All our ip's are static given to the user by us. The user has also to be recognised by mac address for their computer. So each computer has an IP and has to have it's mac address "allowed" by our system. Once allowed to join, the computer is connected all the time to the internet and to the intranet.
              We don't have a server with a domain and every computer is connected directly to the internet but we also have a P2P workgroup allowing any computer within the system to "see" all other computers on the Intranet. This way people can share with others stuff on their computer if they want to. What happens is that there is interaction between people on the Intranet on a P2P basis, (for example) kids play games with each other etc. All this without being online and "overloading" the system.
              This way we solve 3 problems:
              1. Only "allowed" users are permitted to use our system
              2. Security and protection
              3. We are able to control a balanced use of the system and supply ourselves with a very fast and efficient system
              In order for me to have my laptop see the other computers on the Intranet (it has a static IP and a recognised mac address), I need the access point which also has to have it's mac address recognised. If I used a router - I would still need the static IP and mac address recognition - I would be able to get internet connection but not see the computers on the Intranet. So there is no dhcp access on my home system.
              Sorry for this long explanation to such a short question.


                Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

                can you install a dhcp server on your "server" that would be your computer that controls your internet access (if i read your long answer correctly). from there you should be able to pass the dhcp throu the access point (where your wifi comes from).
                unless i am just mistaken about your set up that should work just fine.
                Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                (top of thread: thread tools)


                  Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

                  I set up the static address at home on the wireless WICD. When I change location the wireless through WICD finds the correct connection - whether static or DHCP. Obviously as you said unlike wired, wireless "finds" the correct connection.
                  I am now a happy network user with all my connection problems solved.
                  The "solution" to this question came up on this thread:

                  I can now devote time to this next question that was asked on this thread by Bailout
                  Originally posted by bailout

                  ps Why do you use both digikam and kphotoalbum? I have never tried kphotoalbum but it just looks like another organiser which is really what digikam is. What do find it offers over digikam?
                  I want to be able to save the database of either Digikam or kphotoalbum and then read it on a different computer "seeing" all the photos that were on the original computer. I don't know how to do that on either of the programs (or if it can be done). The program that "allows" that is the one I'll use.
                  Should I start a new post??

