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Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

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    Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

    I just wanted to drop a note about installing Kubuntu 9.04 on my new netbook last night.

    After getting XP fully patched, and various programs installed, I turned my attention to setting up Linux.

    I used Unetbootin to create a bootable thumbdrive installer from the kubuntu 9.04 .ISO image. It worked great! So, if anyone is looking for a way to install Linux on their netbook without the use of an external CD drive, Unetbootin works very well.

    Using the disk partitioning tool included in the Kubuntu installer, I resized my XP partition down (from the full 160gigs) to 40 gigs. I then created a 40 gig partition for Kubuntu and a 1 gig swap partition. I left the remaining space unpartitioned for now. I plan to install Windows 7 RC, and leave a partition for random data storage.

    Kubuntu seems to have picked up all of the hardware right out of the box, although, I haven't tried the webcam, or really done a lot of thorough testing. Sound, WiFi, Ethernet, Video, and USB ports all work great.

    A few things I want to note:
    Many of the dialog boxes are just tall enough that the buttons on the bottom get covered up by the taskbar on the 1024x600 display. I imagine setting the taskbar to auto-hide would fix this.

    I went into the settings and reduced all of the system fonts by two points to make screen font sizes more appropriate (I felt they were too large in comparison to the other buttons/window decorations).

    Also, I turned off the desktop effects to gain some extra battery life. The system didn't run badly with them turned on, but it does of course feel slightly more responsive with the effects turned off.

    A little while ago, I wrote up a post on my blog about the things I install on a fresh Kubuntu system to get it ready for "day to day" use, if anyone is interested.


    Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

    Hi Slyferret
    Thanks for sharing your positive experience. I have also just purchased an Acer Aspire One and I had an almost similar experience to yours. I also installed with Unetbootin from a disk-on-key. There still is a problem with connection to internet which I will need help with after I explain what I did and where I am.
    I received my Acer with XP installed and working including connection to internet (wired & wireless). I installed Kubuntu in the way you described (before reading this thread) and everything worked except internet. Before trying all sorts of solutions in Kubuntu I built a copy of Ubuntu remix on a disk-on-key and did a live run of Ubuntu Jaunty. In Ubuntu everything worked perfectly including internet connection.
    I went back to the Kubuntu installation and tried EVERY way to get the internet connection to work using the network manager to no avail. I then read on this forum the following explanation which I use on my home and work versions of Kubuntu with great success. The url for the workaround is "Ethernet connection without GUI":
    One more stage of configuration has to be explained:
    At home I have to use a static IP address and configuration
    At work I use dhcp
    I will need an explanation on how to set up both a dhcp connection and a static address on the same computer but that is a question for a different thread which I will open when the more acute problem (described here) is solved. At the moment I set up my internet connection manually every time I change location.

    At the moment my situation is as follows:
    At work I ONLY have wired internet connection. Wireless connection doesn't work.
    At home I have a strange situation. No wireless connection and "intermittent" wired connection. By intermittent I mean there is sometimes connection and often there is no connection. Ping to other computers on the network works. Even when there is connection to the internet at home it takes a l-o-n-g time for the url to open. So my conclusion is that something is wrong.

    As I said I have two computers running Jaunty (one at home, one at work [64bit]) both working perfectly but none of them are wireless.
    The most confusing thing for me is that the Ubuntu Jaunty (and windows) works both at home and at work with wired & wireless connections.
    Any suggestions?
    TIA Errol


      Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

      To add more info. Following is a printout of the ifconfig I get at work with the static dhcp configuration.
      eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:23:8b:72:87:c2
      inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
      inet6 addr: fe80::223:8bff:fe72:87c2/64 Scope:Link
      RX packets:18834 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:5820 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
      RX bytes:14581150 (14.5 MB) TX bytes:496765 (496.7 KB)
      Interrupt:251 Base address:0xc000

      lo Link encap:Local Loopback
      inet addr: Mask:
      inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
      UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
      RX packets:186 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:186 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
      RX bytes:16250 (16.2 KB) TX bytes:16250 (16.2 KB)

      wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:24:2b:ad:17:f7
      RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
      RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

      wlan0:avahi Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:24:2b:ad:17:f7
      inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

      wmaster0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-24-2B-AD-17-F7-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
      RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
      RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
      Maybe this throws light on something to someone.


        Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

        I know this is probably a silly question, but... Is the network management applet in the system tray not working properly?

        If you're having trouble with the wifi driver, there is a proprietary driver available. The stock driver is working fine for me, so I haven't installed the proprietary one.

        K > Applications > System > Hardware Drivers



          Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

          given its limited screen size i found that the netbook-edition of ubuntu was much better for it.
          you can install it with the ubuntu-netbook-remix package
          and then loging out and selecting gnome for your sessions on the log in screen (or kde to switch back)
          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
          (top of thread: thread tools)


            Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

            As suggested in the thread I used to manually set up the network, I uninstalles the network manager. Th manager was useless in any attempt to set up a network. This I already saw an my other two computers. I have no network manager.

            As for installing Ubuntu, that is an option I am keeping open. As I explained, ubuntu works perfectly! The problem is I like the KDE system. It is advised to use a Kubuntu 3.5 remix (I like KDE 4) on the Kubuntu site and also not to install KDE 4 over the Ubuntu remix.
            If I have no choice I'll use either the Kubuntu Jaunty 3.5 (which I haven't tried) or the Ubuntu remix which works perfectly.
            I would however love to solve the problem with Kubuntu KDE 4.2


              Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

              PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!!
              I managed to solve the problem of my internet connection with Kubuntu AND KDE 4.2.2. After goggling around I read on some forum the idea of installing a different network manager for Kubuntu. It is called WICD. All I did was "sudo apt-get install wicd" and now I have a network manager that works.
              At the moment it works with the DHCP network where I work - both wireless AND wired connection. Later on I will set it up for the static IP at home and I'm sure it'll work.
              The forum I saw the solution on is:

              Thanks for the attempts to help and I hope this info aids others.

              Late report:
              It works at home with a static IP. At home I am connected by a wireless network and I also I checked it wired with the static IP. Everything works.
              So I am a happy camper with an Acer Aspire one with Kubuntu Jaunty and KDE4.2.2 installed and everything running great.


                Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

                I'll take a look at the ubuntu-netbook-remix package.

                KDE doesn't seem to be working too badly on this 1024x600 screen. Turning down the system fonts a couple points to make them more appropriately sized really seems to be about the only thing that needed to be done.

                What other things does that package address?



                  Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

                  The Unbuntu remix package is a "ready-made" installation for the Acer. It is very different from the Ubuntu installations I know. If it used KDE 4.2 I would use it as I like the desktop interface. It is built with menus down the side and when pressing on a subject, a sub-menu opens up in the centre, showing all the programs available for that subject.
                  I haven't got round to trying the KDE 3.5 remix version yet. I will do it soon and report back. Yesterday the KDE remix page was unavailable for downloading. As I used the remix from "LIVE USB" drive it is no problem to try out other versions and installations.
                  I built a unetbootin configuration on a 2giga disk-on-key. All that now has to be done is to download and copy any distro iso file onto the disk-on-key erasing the previous one each time. It's a great way of testing distros.
                  As I said as soon as the KDE remix page becomes downloadable, I'll try it out. It's a pity that it is only the 3.5 version of KDE as I really like 4.2. For now my installed distro on my acer will be Kubuntu Jaunty with KDE 4.2.


                    Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

                    I have tried the KDE remix. As I said on a previous reply, the KDE remix is the 3.5 version. I downloaded it and copied the iso file onto my unetbootin pre-prepared disk-on-key. I then started my Acer with the disk-on-key and the KDE 3.5 came up flawlessly. It looks and behaves exactly as the 3.5 edition I used on my computers before the KDE 4 came out.
                    It worked fine and there were no problems with the Internet connection - both wired and wireless. Using the default network manager the connection to internet was without any problems.
                    My bottom line is that the network manager built into KDE is not a good program. In KDE 3.5 (the remix version) the problems seem to be solved. In the KDE 4.2 version the network manager doesn't function properly on my Acer. I therefore replaced it with the WICD network manager and now my internet works as it should.
                    I still have a "secret desire" to use the Ubunti remix for Jaunty which appeals to me. The "problem" with that is that there are too many KDE ways of doing things and programs used that I "can't do without". It is all a matter of choice and for the meanwhile I am choosing Kubuntu - unless I can be persuaded otherwise . But that is a subject of a different thread.
                    Unless there are more questions I have nothing more to add on the subject of the Acer Aspire one and Kubuntu. Thank you slyferrit for starting the subject and all who contributed to aiding me in getting my Acer to work with Kubuntu.


                      Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

                      i got my doubts about kde on netbooks, is good to see that worked fine

                      ive readed somewhere that kde is going to make a special plasma desktop for netbooks

                      and thanks for the wicd info cos my lap was manually configured thanks to the network manager(s) didnt work(ed) (dunno if works now, i have seen many updates to the knet since the release)


                        Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

                        I used to use kubuntu for several years but found 8.10 so bad that I swapped to ubuntu. I have stuck with ubuntu on my desktop and will install it on my laptop but thought I would try kubuntu 9.04 on my aspire one.

                        The install went fine and at first I was very impressed with kde 4.2. However, I have come across various annoyances that mean I will probably swap to unr. Firstly kubuntu takes more memory than ubuntu and seems quite sluggish in use. The main slab menu is awful and slow. I installed lancelot which is a much better design but is so slow that the delay in opening it each time would mkae it too annoying.

                        As said already in the thread knetwork manager is a bit dodgy. I can actually connect both wireless and wired but it is a bit unreliable.

                        kde4 has improved a lot but still has an unfinished feel to me. Perhaps by the next kubuntu release it will be more polished but for now I think I will stick with gnome. The few kde apps I can't do without seem to work ok in gnome so I don't really miss kde now tbh.


                          Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

                          Bailout I see your point and certainly the Ubuntu Jaunty remix ready-made for mini laptops is great. There are (as I said) some KDE programs that I really use and don't see a gnome version. Digikam and Kdphotoalbum are two of the most important ones for me. I know Fspot is supposed to be like digikam but is it? I don't know of a replacement for Kdphotoalbum.


                            Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

                            you can still install your kde programs without having to install kde , just install digicam or kphoto or amarok , it will fetch the required files and it should run just fine
                            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                            (top of thread: thread tools)


                              Re: Kubuntu 9.04 on Acer Aspire One 8.9" netbook

                              errol, I just have the kde apps that I still use installed in gnome. For me it is Digikam and kmymoney. I used to have Amarok but amarok 2 is awful and I don't listen to music that much so I haven't bothered investigating a substitute yet but will probably go with a gtk player or amarok 1.4. Digikam and kmymoney run without problems on gnome. Everything else I use is either not linked to either de ie Opera (90% of my usage), OOo or the gnome equivelents are fine.

                              I think gnome/gtk apps have improved over the last few years as gnome is becoming the dominant de and imo many kde apps have gone backwards under kde4.

                              My main requirement of a desktop environment is stability, reliability and ease of use. I don't want to be spending lots of time trouble shooting or trying to figure out how to do things or continually waiting for the next release which promises to fix problems. I just want a reliable de that sits in the background and allows me to run apps. At the moment gnome suits me better.

                              ps Why do you use both digikam and kphotoalbum? I have never tried kphotoalbum but it just looks like another organiser which is really what digikam is. What do find it offers over digikam?

