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If you don't like the new amarok, you can do this...

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    If you don't like the new amarok, you can do this...


    I did also the upgrade to Kubuntu 9.04 and I have also that new Amarok 2.x version. This version is realy "BAD", it is not so good as the older version 1.4.10 version I did use at Kubuntu 8.10.

    A lot of mine songs didn't work annymore and what did happend with the look of that new Amarok? It's like a programme from the year 90's.....
    It was not able even after the distro update to read-in mine playlists I did had from the older BUT MUCH MORE STABLE version.

    So, if there are people like me, who don't like that brand new Amarok & want having back there old one, well you can follow mine steps below. It's easy done and it just take a minute, and the new AMAROK is trashed and the stable version is back!

    The version is new configured for the Kubuntu - Ubuntu 9.04.

    deb jaunty main

    How to install:
    1. Remove first the new version, open Bash Konsole ==> sudo apt-get remove amarok
    (this removes the version 2.x from your system)
    2. Open Synaptic and go to Preferences => PacketSources
    Add a new link to "SOFTWARE FROM THIRD PARTY'S)
    URL =
    DISTRIBUTOR = jaunty
    COMPONENTS = main

    SAVE and Fetch the packages again. You will see that there comes a new one on the list, this is the url that you did
    type above. It will says that it has not a public key.....but don't worry about that. Just Ignore.
    Now you will see 3 names standing from the AMAROK 4.1.x version. Select them both, and let synaptic installing them.
    After installation, I did de-activate that latest url, and I have mine old Amarok back and everything works

    The link I did found from someone who did the same and did post this link at the ubuntu forums....

    Have a nice day....
    The diamond can not be polished without friction, <br /> nor a man perfected without trials.

    Re: If you don't like the new amarok, you can do this...

    Just wanted to say Thanks! Now it's fun to listen to music again. And I can once again access the music on my MTP-based MP3-player.
    Not that I'm against Amarok 2, I just find it to unfinished to be released yet.

    Here's the ppa-instructions of this package by the way:
    Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) user


      Re: If you don't like the new amarok, you can do this...

      Oh HAPPY HAPPY DAYS! I know that the devs at Amarok are trying hard but I absolutely HATE the direction they've taken Amarok.

      Now I have a fully functional, relatively light-weight (Amarok 2 killed my computer) music player back! YEEEESSSSSSS
      Kubuntu 11.10<br />KDE 4.7.3<br />Athlon XP 2000<br />512 MB RAM<br />ATI 64MB Video<br />~11 year old system still kicking :&gt


        Re: If you don't like the new amarok, you can do this...

        Gotta throw my 2c in here as well, kudos for getting amarok 1.4 back going. I can't stand Amarok 2 -- totally confusing UI, doesn't work well with my ipod, doesn't deal well with podcasts, etc, etc...
        But I love 1.4. Fork, anyone?


          Re: If you don't like the new amarok, you can do this...

          Thanks a lot for this!

          I'm just not a huge fan of Amarok 2 for various reason, including those already stated above. I am much happier with the old Amarok.

          Thanks again!
          Sony Vaio VGN NR260E<br />Linux Kubuntu 9.04\Windoze 7 Professional<br /><br />Sony Vaio VPCF1190X<br />Linux Kubuntu 10.04/Windoze 7 Home Premium<br /><br />Linux user #478627


            Re: If you don't like the new amarok, you can do this...

            i didnt liked amarok 2.0, same for kde 4.0 and 4.1

            but if you didnt like amarok 2.0 check here

            after some mess (specially with the $%$·&%&/ qtscriptgenerator ) managed to make it work from source (the next day the ppa version was fixed :P )

            give it a try (at least to see what is going to be in the future )

