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How to save existing settings etc.

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    How to save existing settings etc.


    Up to now I have always used a disc install of Kubuntu releases so losing all my previous settings.

    Simply - how can I upgrade to 'Jaunty' and still maintain my current settings and keeping my documents, Firefox and other stuff in place?

    Simple solutions greatfully received.
    Celeron CPU G1610@2.60GHz x 2
    GeForce 8400 GS/PCle/SSE2
    Kubuntu 14.04 - 64 bit Linux - KDE 4.13.0

    Re: How to save existing settings etc.

    I think the simple answer is "you won't".

    If I were running an earlier version, and KDE 3.5.x, and wanted to install 9.04 but keep my settings, I think the best that you can do, which is not going to get you anywhere near 100%, is to copy off your /home/user/.kde folder and save it for later use in remembering how you had things set. You can't use it directly in KDE 4, but you could open it and use the settings to remind yourself how you had things in KDE 3.5.

    Also export your Firefox or Konqueror bookmarks to an HTML file and save that.

    Bottom line -- KDE 4 is considerably more than a conventional version upgrade -- it is actually a different desktop environment. There are parts of KDE 3.5 that don't have an equivalent (yet) in KDE 4.2. And Plasma is not like anything you ever had in KDE 3.5. So you're in for a serious change -- some of your KDE 3.5 settings aren't coming along for the ride.


      Re: How to save existing settings etc.

      Hi (& Yo dibl).

      I'm actually on KDE 4.2 would that make a difference?

      How do people cope with saving and copying back 'documents' email addresses and the like?

      Should I be looking at creating another partition/HD and saving all that stuff there in future? If so could I run Firefox and Thunderbird from that same area without problems? Sorry for all the questions but I'm not sure how to 'point' to run commands etc if programmes are not in the default directory.
      Celeron CPU G1610@2.60GHz x 2
      GeForce 8400 GS/PCle/SSE2
      Kubuntu 14.04 - 64 bit Linux - KDE 4.13.0


        Re: How to save existing settings etc.

        OK, since you are on KDE4.2 already...

        Is your /home directory on a seperate partition? If not, then do this...I think there are tutorials on here about how to do that. Once you have that set up, then reinstall, using a custom partition scheme, and don't format the /home partition.

        Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop<br />Intel T9300 Core2Duo Processor @ 2.5Ghz<br />4 GB Ram | 1920 X 1200 Resolution<br />2 X 160 GB SATA HD Internal<br />Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Adapter<br />Using Kubuntu 9.10


          Re: How to save existing settings etc.

          Originally posted by leadwt

          How do people cope with saving and copying back 'documents' email addresses and the like?

          Hey yourself!

          I personally have over 100 GBytes of data, and I have it on several partitions on two different hard drives. What I do is make a big partition for, say "Images", and then on that partition I make a top level directory (aka folder) and name it IMAGES, and then I symlink that folder into my Kubuntu user folder.

          So, my actual Kubuntu OS is 100% installed in a 20 GB partition, and in the /home/dibl folder there are the symlinks to the DOCS, IMAGES, MUSIC, BACKUP etc. partitions where the data are actually located. The reason it is 20GB is that I run an 8GB VM that runs better when it lives in the root filesystem in the real /home/dibl directory -- otherwise I think 7GB would be plenty of space for my Kubuntu OS.


            Re: How to save existing settings etc.

            Thanks both dibl & muzicman0.

            I shall investigate this partition lark and expect to be fairly Jaunty myself if I get it all to work.

            Celeron CPU G1610@2.60GHz x 2
            GeForce 8400 GS/PCle/SSE2
            Kubuntu 14.04 - 64 bit Linux - KDE 4.13.0

