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HP Mini 1000 & HP 4GB Mini Mobile Drive

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    HP Mini 1000 & HP 4GB Mini Mobile Drive

    My HP Mini 1000 Mi shipped with Ubuntu 8.04. I subsequently purchased a 4GB Mi Mobile Drive.

    A short while ago, i decided to scrub the system and install Kubuntu 9.04. The installer recognized two drives: /dev/sda (the 16GB SSD) and /dev/sdb (the 4GB Mi Mobile Drive). I want the OS and swap file on the SSD and I want /home to reside on the HP 4GB Mini Mobile Drive (which is really just a USB key).

    During the install process, I manually set the drive partitions as follows:

    /dev/sda1 mounted as root (/), formatted during installation
    /dev/sda5 used as swap
    /dev/sdb1 mounted as /home, formatted during installation

    The installation proceeded without any error. However, whenever I boot the system it halts with an fsck exit status 8 error claiming that kubuntu cannot find /dev/sdb1 and dumps me to a command prompt. At the command prompt, i can do one of two things:

    1. Hit CTRL-D. Then the boot process continues and I can log into kubuntu and access /home on /dev/sdb1. I have checked /etc/fstab and there is nothing wrong -- there are no UUID errors.

    2. At the prompt, run fsck on /dev/sdb1. It completes and reports no proble. CTRL-D continues the boot process without error.

    Then I reinstalled kubuntu again, this time specifying a mount point that not required by the OS:

    /dev/sda1 mounted as root (/), formatted during installation
    /dev/sda5 used as swap
    /dev/sdb1 mounted as /mystuff, formatted during installation

    I get the same boot time failure.

    Just for grins, I reinstalled kubuntu once more. This time not using /dev/sdb for anything:

    /dev/sda1 mounted as root (/), formatted during installation
    /dev/sda5 used as swap
    /dev/sdb1 not mounted, not used

    The boot process completed without error.

    So does anyone have an idea what the problem might be? I want /home to sit on the HP 4GB Mini Mobile Drive and I want that device to be auto-mounted at boot. Why is it that the HP Mini Mobile Drive fails to get recognized at startup? Maybe the HP 4GB Mini Mobile Drive should not be referenced as /dev/sdb? Maybe it should be referenced as some other type of device?

    FYI, I have the latest BIOS firmware installed on the Mini 1000 and I have tested the HP 4GB Mini Mobile Drive in another Mini so I know the Mini Drive is OK.

    Any suggestions for a resolution would be appreciated.