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update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

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    Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

    Originally posted by mando_hacker
    For the others, did you upgrade to 9.04 from 8.04?
    nope, I upgraded from Interpid 8.10 (64 bit) to 9.04, 64bit


      Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

      Originally posted by mando_hacker
      dibl, I suspect that you do not have one of the linux-image metapackages installed. Installing linux-image,linux-image-2.6 or one of the others will probably solve your problem.
      Nah, that's not it. I've got linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic and linux-image-generic already installed.


        Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

        same problem here!

        did you guys solve it? how


          Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

          Is something broken ? i upgraded to 2.6.28-13 and the same happened...

          @ AndyMcGowan
          I edited (as root) /boot/grub/menu.lst, copied the stanza which pointed to the previous kernel (2.6.28-11), then pasted it just above where it was and altered the pasted bit to point to the new kernel (2.6.28-13).

          I don't know if it should be done this way.... but it worked for me.

          Edited to add:
          Always make a copy of /boot/grub/menu.lst before altering it.


            Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

            I was getting antsy upon seeing reports of a 2.6.28-12 kernel. But, that was bogus -- there never was such a kernel, at least not for 64-bit. I just left it alone, and eventually the 2.6.26-13 kernel appeared in a dist-upgrade, and I let it be installed. It all worked correctly, including update-grub -- it's on my menu and boots correctly -- I've been running it for a week or two now very trouble-free.


              Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst


              sudo update-initramfs -u && sudo update-grub
              Link > Topic: very basic questions on upgrades
              Before you edit, BACKUP !

              Why there are dead links ?
              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
              2. Thread: Lost Information


                Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

                If you're suspicious of the configuration script, why not update menu.lst manually? It's not difficult, and you can find everything you need to know on the Gnu Grub site.

                I like to play around with Linux distributions and currently have two hard drives on which I have installed twenty-one complete Linux distributions plus two BSDs. Keeping track of them would be difficult if I allowed the installation programs to be in charge of grub. Instead, I have designated one of the partitions as grub's permanent home. Whenever I decide to play with another new distribution, I let it set up grub however it wants to. Then, soon after it's all settled in, I use Kate to cut and paste the relevant stanza from the new distribution's menu.lst into my permanent menu.

                When the file is ready, I reset grub to look for its files where it'll find the menu.lst that I want it to see, rather than the new one that was just installed. You can do this by typing "c" at grub's selection screen to get a command line. From there, do this:

                root (hd0,0)
                setup (hd0)

                ... adjust the zeros to suit your setup, of course.

                Similar manual adjustments can be made when an update hands you a new kernel. To my mind, if you don't trust a config script, there's no point in allowing it to be in charge.


                  Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

                  How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit
                  SECTION 9: Making and using a separate GRUB partition
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

                    I think I had a similar problem . synaptic showed 2.8.28-11 installed but it really wasn't.
                    I reinstalled 2.6.28-11 and it updated the grub menu and booted correctly.


                      Reinstalling 2.8.11

                      Originally posted by GilGib
                      I think I had a similar problem . synaptic showed 2.8.28-11 installed but it really wasn't.
                      I reinstalled 2.6.28-11 and it updated the grub menu and booted correctly.
                      What exactly is it that you reinstalled?

                      It does seem that there's a real problem here, since I'm not the only one to encounter this difficulty. I suspect a lot of other folks have encountered it too but just didn't realize it.


                        Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst (SOLVED)

                        Folks, I know this thread is for 9.04, but I'm having the same problem with 8.04, and this topic is most current. I reinstalled 8.04, and the first update changed kernel version 2.6.24-19 to 2.6.24-24, but didn't add it to /boot/grub/menu.lst. I ran Update-grub and it detected the new kernel version and appeared to update menu.lst, but did not make any changes to menu.lst. I have qgrubeditor installed, and would add it manually, but I don't know how to add the new kernel to the list. It is expecting coded info on the kernel that I know nothing about. Can anyone please guide me on this?


                        Update: I was finally able to get the new kernel values added to grub using qgrubeditor.
                        AMD Athlon 64 4800x2 ; Biostar Tforce 550 ; 2gb ; dual-boot Kubuntu 8.04 & Kubuntu 9.04; Dual-boot XP & Vista.


                          Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

                          I used synaptic to reinstall the linux kernal and the grub menu was updated correctly.


                            Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

                            this is why I have grub ponting to the system links in / that allways get updated with the kernel.

                            vinny@Kubuntu:/$ ls
                            bin   dev   initrd.img   media root   sys vmlinuz
                            boot  etc   initrd.img.old mnt  sbin   tmp vmlinuz.old
                            cdrom  home  lib       opt  selinux usr
                            debian initrd lost+found   proc  srv   var
                            IE: vmlinuz and initrd.img .

                            so nomater wether grub gets updated or not ( I dont get grub updated sence it's menu.lst is on a diferent install's drive.) I still get the new kernel and initrd.img

                            vinny@Kubuntu:/$ uname -a
                            Linux Kubuntu 2.6.28-13-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 30 19:49:51 UTC 2009 i686GNU/Linux
                            and the menu.lst

                            # GRUB configuration file '/boot/grub/menu.lst'.
                            # generated by 'grubconfig'. Wed 28 Jan 2009 08:39:31 PM EST
                            # The backup copy of the MBR for drive '/dev/hda' is
                            # here '/boot/grub/mbr.hda.4135'. You can restore it like this.
                            # dd if=mbr.hda.4135 of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1
                            # Start GRUB global section
                            #timeout 30
                            #color light-gray/blue black/light-gray
                            splashimage /boot/grub/splashimage.xpm.gz
                            # End GRUB global section
                            # Other bootable partition config begins
                             title XP on (/dev/hda1)
                             rootnoverify (hd0,0)
                             chainloader +1
                            # Other bootable partition config ends
                            # Linux bootable partition config begins
                             title Kubuntu
                             root (hd1,5)
                             kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sdb6
                             initrd (hd1,5)/initrd.img
                            # Linux bootable partition config ends
                            # Linux bootable partition config begins
                             title Ultima on (/dev/hdc8)
                             root (hd1,7)
                             kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc8 ro vga=normal 
                            # Linux bootable partition config ends
                            title --- For help press 'c', type: 'help'
                            root (hd0)
                            title --- For usage examples, type: 'cat /boot/grub/grub.txt'
                            root (hd0)
                            you gyi's of corse would want to keep the lines pointing to your falesafe boot and memtest

                            and my drives.......

                            vinny@Kubuntu:/$ sudo parted                           
                            [sudo] password for vinny:                            
                            GNU Parted 1.8.8                                 
                            Using /dev/sda                                  
                            Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
                            (parted) print all
                            Model: ATA Maxtor 6Y060L0 (scsi)
                            Disk /dev/sda: 61.5GB
                            Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
                            Partition Table: msdos
                            Number Start  End   Size  Type   File system Flags
                             1   32.3kB 8701MB 8701MB primary  ntfs     boot
                             2   8701MB 29.7GB 21.0GB primary  fat32    lba
                             3   29.7GB 61.5GB 31.8GB extended        lba
                             5   29.7GB 61.5GB 31.8GB logical  fat32
                            Model: ATA WDC WD400BB-00DE (scsi)
                            Disk /dev/sdb: 40.0GB
                            Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
                            Partition Table: msdos
                            Number Start  End   Size  Type   File system Flags
                             1   32.3kB 40.0GB 40.0GB extended        boot, lba
                             8   8258kB 13.0GB 13.0GB logical  xfs
                             5   13.0GB 13.6GB 666MB  logical  linux-swap
                             6   13.6GB 22.2GB 8516MB logical  ext3
                             7   22.2GB 40.0GB 17.9GB logical  ext2
                            well just my 2 cents worth........... :P
                            peace out .....and remember ...........

                            [img width=400 height=51][/img]

                            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                            16GB RAM
                            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                              Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

                              i have three OSs (four including XP ), so when one of the kernels is upgraded, i boot back into that OS via <recovery mode> and run <Update Grub>, then copy&paste the pertinent stanza into the default boot option's menu.lst.

                              I'm not sure if it's necessary, but i do it anyway.... 8)


                                Re: update-grub doesn't seem to enter new kernel into menu.lst

                                One thing that I do which seems to avoid most of the problems mentioned, although it does or can create another problem is to have dual or multi boot. This allows you to have the current distro - say Jaunty. When you're ready you install Karmic - either as alpha, beta, rc or final - then you have two versions.
                                Each has their own /boot/grub directory and each gets their kernel updates. I do fresh installs for each, not distribution upgrades and that seems to help.

                                One word of caution - when installing say Karmic as dual boot and you already have Jaunty, you need to be aware that allowing it to install GRUB2 (the default in Karmic) or GRUB to the MBR will overwrite the previous Jaunty MBR. You can choose to not install GRUB2 or GRUB to the MBR. In this case, you then need to manually update your Jaunty MBR and this is generally the safest.

                                Since Fiesty I've found that the beta's at least have not correctly recognized the previous versions; that is Jaunty didn't recognize Intrepid, Intrepid did not recognize Hardy, etc. However this is easily fixed by manually editing your /boot/grub/menu.lst, or, with GRUB2 /boot/grub/menu.cfg

                                If you have serious problems with grub you can always use most Kubuntu CD's in rescue mode, mount your root partition, manually edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst and reboot.
                                HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M

