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usb-creator worked on 8.10 but not 9.04

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    usb-creator worked on 8.10 but not 9.04

    I had used it to make bootable USB thumb drives in previous versions e.g. 8.10 but with 9.04 usb-creator failed start up. It started with visibility in task-manager, and hourglass cursor - for as long as 40 second and then died or crashed away.

    I tried twice, once in live-CD using sudo apt-get install usb-creator.

    2nd time in persistent harddisk installation using KPackageKit to install it.

    Same result both times.

    If I tried to start in shell there were some error messages.

    Had anyone tried usb-creator with Kubuntu 9.04 to make bootable USB thumb drives yet?

    Re: usb-creator worked on 8.10 but not 9.04

    It's a bug in the dependencies for the package, actually; that is to say, since we're all in Ubuntu's Gnome shadow, no one noticed that in Kubuntu land there's a dependency missing for the package

    I was having this exact same problem after the upgrade, I *think* the missing unlisted dependency is python-gnome2, so just a quick "sudo aptitude install python-gnome2" and you should be good.


      Re: usb-creator worked on 8.10 but not 9.04

      Thanks for the info. I think you are right.

      I just tested with Kubuntu live-CD:

      I did on shell:

      sudo apt-get install python-gnome2 usb-creator

      It took some time to download and setup and then USB-creator GUI came out after I started it via K-menu.


