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Interrupted Upgrade and Reboot -- HELP !!

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    Interrupted Upgrade and Reboot -- HELP !!

    Hi All,

    I'm a relative newbie to Kubuntu, probably 6mths, and I'm still trying to work my way around it. I received a prompt the other day to upgrade to 9.01 (or something like that), and said ok.

    All was well, so I just let it run.

    Then we lost power, I have no idea where the upgrade was up to but my computer had rebooted when the power came back on and all i had was a text screen requesting a username (which i entered) and a password (which I also entered) but nothing happened .... no gui, just text.

    When the computer boots up the graphical Kubuntu with the %bar comes up and also when I shut down.

    How to i get my Kubuntu back ? I'm lost without it !

    Re: Interrupted Upgrade and Reboot -- HELP !!

    Login and run
    sudo dpkg --configure -a
    then run
    sudo aptitude -f install
    This should configure any packages that were left partly configured and get your system into a stable state. Then run
    sudo aptitude update
    sudo aptitude -f full-upgrade
    If all of those complete successfully you should be in pretty good shape. At that point if you do not have KDE back yet try
    sudo invoke-rc.d kdm restart
    The odds are good that will get you working but we might have to install a few other packages.


      Re: Interrupted Upgrade and Reboot -- HELP !!

      Thanks for your prompt reply, i tried the steps that you suggested including the 'sudo invoke-rd.d kdm restart' command, unfortunately it just seems to do the same thing.

      I did ALT-F1 (all the other ALT's showed me just the login prompt) and it showed me this, i'm not sure if this has anything to do with the problems that I'm experiencing though, here's what it says:

      Boot from (hd0,0) ext3 3f51de7a-d06f-4e1b-bafe-59470182dbb9
      Starting Up ...
      Loading Please Wait ...
      19+0 records in
      19+0 records out
      Kinit: name_to_dev_t (/dev/disk/by-uuid/35643bb5-5ca2-49d9-7a5c35a6a246)=dev(8,5)
      Kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/35643bb5-5ca2-49d9-7a5c35a6a246
      Kinit: No Resume Image, doing normal boot ...
      Ubuntu 9.04 dtpearce-desktop tty1

      and then it provides a login prompt in the text based interface.

      any help appreciated.


        Re: Interrupted Upgrade and Reboot -- HELP !!

        What you are seeing there are standard boot messages, grub loading the kernel from a filesystem, finding that it has not been suspended to disk, and doing a normal boot.

        It would be informative to know what happened when you tried to run
        sudo invoke-rd.d kdm restart
        If it did not find /etc/init.d/kdm then kdm is not installed. If it found it but just didn't start it could be X configuration.

        Actually it would be informative to know what each of those commands did. Were there partially configured packages that got configured with dpkg --configure -a? Did aptitude -f install bring in additional packages? Did aptitude update complete without errors? Did aptitude -f full-upgrade then install many more packages. or update many packages?

        If you run
        sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop kde kdm
        It it should assure that you have all the software installed that you need to run the GUI.

        Depending on what is happening when you try to start KDM there might be information in /var/log/Xorg.0.log that will tell you something about why it failed to start.


          Re: Interrupted Upgrade and Reboot -- HELP !!

          Is there a way that I can capture the messages, rather than copy them down by hand? I know I sound stupid, but in some cases there are a few pages of stuff that is displayed and I have no way of accessing the information that rolls off the top of the screen.


            Re: Interrupted Upgrade and Reboot -- HELP !!

            Shift-Page UP will move you back up the screen. Shift-Page Down moves you down. If you place "| tee somefile" after the command youwill see the output on your screen and it will be captured in somefile. So you could run
            sudo aptitude -f full-upgrade | tee full-upgrade.out
            and when it is done full-upgrade.out should contain the output. You could also do
            sudo aptitude install gpm
            and you would then have a mouse with cut and paste capability in your terminal.
            Mostly what I need it so know if you see error messages.


              Re: Interrupted Upgrade and Reboot -- HELP !!

              i had a similar problem, but instead of being able to login, the computer no longer sees either my mouse or my keyboard. i've managed to get it booted into recovery mode, but it can't resolve important ubuntu servers (my guess is because the network isn't working) so running things like aptitude update is out of the question...

              at this point, i'm all set to remove the OS and replace it with hardy, which i know works (because i got the prompt to upgrade a few days ago), but it also won't find the CDROM when it boots - even when i go into CMOS and set the only boot devide to be the CDROM - so i'm completely at a loss.

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                Re: Interrupted Upgrade and Reboot -- HELP !!

                Originally posted by mando_hacker
                Shift-Page UP will move you back up the screen. Shift-Page Down moves you down. If you place "| tee somefile" after the command youwill see the output on your screen and it will be captured in somefile. So you could run
                sudo aptitude -f full-upgrade | tee full-upgrade.out
                and when it is done full-upgrade.out should contain the output. You could also do
                sudo aptitude install gpm
                and you would then have a mouse with cut and paste capability in your terminal.
                Mostly what I need it so know if you see error messages.
                Thank you all for your kind help. After i'd run the command to "install kubuntu-desktop kde kdm", which by the way installed a heap of stuff, I investigated the Xorg.0.log and noticed that it appeared to be falling over on the NVIDIA card on my computer.

                So I looked at another thread and found the commands to install the NVIDIA drivers and voila! everything is now ok.

