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Freezes on boot/Display problem

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    Re: Freezes on boot/Display problem

    Well, I am glad my advise solved the problem. I just forgot to mention one thing: You don't have 3D acceleration for gaming or advanced effects of KDE4. But usually one can live with that

    For my problem I guess the only solution is to wait for a new version of the graphics driver, I hope it's getting ready soon


      Re: Freezes on boot/Display problem

      i had the same issue when beta tesing jaunty, here is how i installed my video card, if the other solution didn't work for you.
      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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        Re: Freezes on boot/Display problem

        I tried to follow the steps described in your linked thread, sithlord48 but there occured a big problem. I downloaded the recent Ati-driver and started it as you describe it. But instead of a GUI I just got the error message "unknown xserver" and the installer quits. Does anyone knows what this means


          Re: Freezes on boot/Display problem

          may i suggest (since your video is not working perfectly ne way) a reinstall of xorg and purge of your old config files (just incase)
          with a try again... or maybe you can run it from on of the term sessions (ctrl+alt+f1 and crtl+alt+f7 to get back to X) idk what exactly that error means so this is the best i can do for you atm.
          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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            Re: Freezes on boot/Display problem

            I just reinstalled xorg as you said, but it didn't work. I still get an error message. This is what shows up after I type "sudo sh ./ati-driver-installer..."
            Creating directory fglrx-install
            Verifying archive integrity... All good.
            Uncompressing ATI Proprietary Linux Driver-8.28.8...
            -e ==================================================
            -e ATI Technologies Linux Driver Installer/Packager
            -e ==================================================
            Detected configuration:
            Architecture: x86_64 (64-bit)
            X Server: unable to detect
            Removing temporary directory: fglrx-install
            I tried envyng too but it didn't work till there is no driver compatible to my system. Perhaps my good old Radeon 9250 is to old for this world


              Re: Freezes on boot/Display problem

              i didn't put a ./ before my package name i ran
              sudo sh ~/ (assuming the package is called and in my home dir)
              try it with out the ./ before it.
              Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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                Re: Freezes on boot/Display problem

                Now I tried it without the dot, as you said, but it didn't worked It's still the same, I got the message "X Server unable to detect" and don't know how to solve this
                But I really don't know if this driver would solve my problem, cause on the ATI Webpage they write that the latest driver is only suitable for Radeon 9500 Cards or higer.
                I just wonder, why the old version, included into 8.04, worked well and now I got problems. Perhaps going back to the old version could help, but I don't konw if this is possible...

                edit: I just found a (not really nice) solution of my problem: I opend the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf with kate (sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf) and searched for the section "Devices" there I added a line Driver "vesa"
                Now the fancy blinking is gone but I don't have any transparancy and moving windows, scolling etc takes there time. But at least I can work with my PC


                  Re: Freezes on boot/Display problem

                  oh thats lame. maybe you should try to reinstall one of these
                  xserver-xorg-video-ati , xserver-xorg-video-radeon that you removed and try instead of vesa use "ati" or "radeon" might get better results
                  Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                  (top of thread: thread tools)


                    Re: Freezes on boot/Display problem

                    I now read a bit more on the Ati-Homepage and as I already mentioned, the probitary driver doesn't support old Hardware like my Radeon 9250. As far as I know the packages "xserver-xorg-video-ati" and "" use exactly this probitary driver and won't work as well. At least installing them leads to this fancy blinking/flickering I described.
                    The only I can do is to use the open driver. On their webbpage my card should be fully supported by the driver called "radeon" and I should get 2D/3D-accelerated graphics. I don't know why this doesn't work for me, but I will look up the forum of the open-source-driver developer group and maybe I find a solution there.
                    So far many thanks for you help and ideas to solve this problem

