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kde3.5-desktop for Jaunty?

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    Re: kde3.5-desktop for Jaunty?

    Just checking back in - the pearson archives worked very well for me. I'm still getting the occasional glitch but, overall, kde 3.5 works just as well as it ever did on my debian platform.

    I am getting an occasional "missing certificate" notice when I update package lists, but the system seems robust. Thanks, everyone, for the advice


      Re: kdm background change? redglass mouse pointers?

      things are cooking pretty nicely here, especially after nuking a variety of network apps and installing wicd. what a lovely little thing *that* is!

      a minor point -- actually, two of them. the first has to do with the login screen. i have changed this everyplace i can think of, but no joy. i seem forever stuck with that blue background with the bubbles; i prefer a black background that very starkly pronpt one for name and password. no problem achieving this before, but on this install i can't get rid of the blue'n'bubbles. as noted, a minor annoyance.

      of more significance to me -- i'm using the upgraded systems on notebook machines for better hardware support and sticking on the desktop with 8.04 until we have 10.04 for LTS purposes -- and on the notebooks the "redglass" mouse pointers are very useful, nice and contrasty and easy to see. but on the current remix, "redglass" is red, but very tiny, identical to the red handheld pointers. not so good.

      rather than some truly ugly kludge, i'd like to find the configuration file where this is set and see what i can do. i know that i have the proper pointer files installed because i manually copied 'em from a different machine.

      any guesses on either of these things?

      thankee thankee!

