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hidden folder of all my bookmarks

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    hidden folder of all my bookmarks

    I used "find" to search for "bookmarks" and got:
    bookmarks usr/share/doc/k..
    keditbookmarks usr/share/kde4/..

    but could find no folder ("bookmark html" iirc my previous OS) in either place (there were a great many files to manually look through!)
    I want to copy my list of bookmarks to a cd. ( there are a lot)

    Re: hidden folder of all my bookmarks

    If you use Konqueror look in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror. If you use firefox look in
    ~/.mozilla/firefox/some_goofiness.default/. If you use a different browser you will have to figure out what it did with them.


      Re: hidden folder of all my bookmarks

      thanks mando_hacker

      I get the following in a terminal but how do I use the info to get a copy of my bookmarks?

      .kde/share/apps/konqueror: is a directory
      j:~$ ls ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror
      autosave bookmarks.xml.tbcache home view_properties
      bookmarks.xml closeditems_saved konq_history
      bookmarks.xml.bak faviconrc profiles



        Re: hidden folder of all my bookmarks

        bookmarks.xml is the file you want. You can get to it in dolphin by selecting View ->Show hidden files.


          Re: hidden folder of all my bookmarks

          From Firefox you can simply export them as an html file -- it is not large at all. Bookmarks > Organize > Import & Export > Export to HTML. Save the file, then reverse the process to import them into a new browser installation.


            Re: hidden folder of all my bookmarks

            Thanks Mando Hacker
            All I see is a bunch of numbers:
            1240266335 1240266337 2 1240178833 1240178834 2 1240178850 1240178852 2 1240178871 1240178873 2 1240179139 1240179141 2 1240280388 1240330033 4 1240181223 1240182134 4 1240254108 1240341846 13 1240150251 1240150258 3 1240254456 1240254504 3 1240266462 1240270955 5 1240263106 1240334511 4 1240174562 1240174568 2 1240175212 1240175261 4 1240184760 1240185855 4 1240102859 1240106434 2 1240179166 1240179224 5 1240188205 1240190383 15 1240186103 1240186133 2 1240185939 1240186486 3 1240255075 1240255099 3 1240178938 1240178943 2 1240169553 1240169580 2 1240169555 1240169572 2 1240169554 1240169594 2 1240169554 1240169594 2 1240177298 1240177307 2 1240178111 1240178113 2 1240177514 1240177544 3 1240099491 1240099493 2 1240255075 1240255125 2 1240255076 1240341779 11 1240095476 1240279448 11 1240255075 1240255097 2 1240255075 1240255099 3 1240255077 1240255118 3 1240255078 1240255125 2 1240253726 1240253804 5 1240188114 1240253664 6

            Is there a way to convert these to text?
            Hi dibl
            If I download firefox (where are the repositories. The package manager does not list it) will moving the file to firefox give me an html file
            Thanks to both
            ( I don't know why the numbers are all spread out )


              Re: hidden folder of all my bookmarks

              That is not an XML file. Are you looking at bookmarks.xml.tbcache instead of bookmarks.xml?
              Firefox is in the repositories, but it will not help you if your bookmarks are in konqueror. Konqueror
              (at least 4.2.2) does have the ability to export them as html, under the file menu.


                Re: hidden folder of all my bookmarks

                I'm still on 8.04 -- and don't use Konq as my 'net browser -- but there is a Export menu entry under the Konq Bookmark editor. At least on my version, it exports to a variety of formats including HTML.
                The next brick house on the left
                Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                  Re: hidden folder of all my bookmarks

                  thanks jglen
                  My own stupidity
                  I had always supposed that the export function only exported to other OSs. Never thinking that it could export to another folder on the same OS
                  Thanks to you I have now copy of my bookmarks on a cd.

                  mando hacker
                  I rechecked and that is the content of that file. No idea what it is.

                  Thanks to all for your very speedy help

