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Graphical error in new 9.04 setup?

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    Graphical error in new 9.04 setup?

    Hi there, I wanted to try Jaunty Jackalope 9.04 and I installed it on my computer. Everything went OK, but when I updated all the packages the system offered me (over 200), after restarting and logging in with my user, the screen went all black and nothing else happened. All black.
    I guess it could be because the update has installed drivers for my graphics card? (it's an ATI). Anyway, if I send a CTRL+ALT+SUPR, the kubuntu screen comes in and the system shuts down as usual. I mean, I think the system is working, but I can't see it.
    After all this, I installed Kubuntu 8.04 and it works, even with the ATI drivers, Compiz, etc... any idea? Thanks.

    Re: Graphical error in new 9.04 setup?

    9.04 is a beta so there is going to be some bugs...It would help to know what model ATI video card you have. If you go to applications / system ..there is a hardware drivers link ...This will install the Drivers that ATI put out. I put those in my install before i did the software updates and my ATI HD4870 works fine in 9.04 You might want to keep 8.04 on your machine till the 9.04 goes final ..Although 9.04 is awesome it still has a bug or two


      Re: Graphical error in new 9.04 setup?

      An all-black screen could mean that plasma is not starting correctly. If you type Alt-F2 does the krunner come up? If it does that means that plasma is the problem (the krunner is 'outside' of plasma). If plasma is the problem then you should be able to go to ~/.kde/share/config and delete the two plasma config files: .plasmarc and .plasma-appletsrc. Then when you restart plasma should reset to defaults and load up just fine.


        Re: Graphical error in new 9.04 setup?

        Thank you all for your responses, but finally I have installed Kubuntu 8.10, everything updated with no problems. And, at least visually, is very similar to 9.04 imo.
        Also, this release offered me to install the proprietary ATI driver, and worked like a charm. My video card is an ATI Radeon X1650 Pro (AGP). The 9.04 didn't offer me any driver, and I think that was the problem. Thanks again.


          Re: Graphical error in new 9.04 setup?

          I had the same problem with an ATI x1900 card. I'm about to try it again (now that I have some time available) and will see if the suggestions Nate gave will do the trick.

          Wish me luck.

