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(K)ubuntu 9.04 randomly powerdown on travelmate 4102WLMi

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    (K)ubuntu 9.04 randomly powerdown on travelmate 4102WLMi

    Hi there,

    I'm using my Acer Travelmate 4102WLMi (ATI X700, 160Gb WD, 1Gbyte DDR2) for with Windows XP SP2 and lateron SP3 without any problems for 4 years now. Two weeks agao I decided to install Kubuntu 9.04 (recommended by a friend) on a third partition as a dual boot laptop.
    I did install without any problems.
    But when I try to work on Kubuntu 9.04 it randomly powers down. And it does it fast just like you unplug the powercable without running on batteries. So you understand, no pop-up or system message.
    I did install the latest BIOS: BIOS_3A45 (ATI M26) and ran mem386 test for many hours succesfull. In the beginning I hadn't installed all updates I did lateron. And no powerdown for three hours while updating (didn't touch anything). After that a reboot and after playing a while with the grapical interface ....poof.......poweroff instantly

    It seems to mostly happen when I browse in an Internet browser and use the grapic interface of K9.04
    I've added the /var/log/syslog and messages. But it says nothing special

    Jul 27 15:30:01 albert-laptop /USR/SBIN/CRON[4459]: (root) CMD ([ -x /usr/sbin/update-motd ] && /usr/sbin/update-motd 2>/dev/null)
    Jul 27 15:33:50 albert-laptop dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of on eth1 to port 67
    Jul 27 15:33:50 albert-laptop dhclient: DHCPACK of from
    Jul 27 15:33:50 albert-laptop dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 802 seconds.
    Jul 27 15:10:01 albert-laptop kernel: [ 224.508477] synaptics: using relaxed packet validation
    Jul 27 15:11:11 albert-laptop kernel: [ 294.719838] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
    Jul 27 15:11:11 albert-laptop kernel: [ 294.719844] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <>
    Jul 27 15:11:11 albert-laptop kernel: [ 294.721606] tun0: Disabled Privacy Extensions
    Jul 27 15:26:30 albert-laptop -- MARK --

    Re: (K)ubuntu 9.04 randomly powerdown on travelmate 4102WLMi

    Ah, if it was an ordered power off (systematically killing processes, shutting components down, etc), then I would think you need to look at the powersaving options in the System Settings window.

    It looks like some rare but serious bug to me. Do you know if you are using the binary drivers or the open source drivers for the ATI graphics? Also, I would recommend disabling the "Desktop Effects" in System Settings -> Desktop and see if that does it (assuming they are on).

    And yes, keeping up to date is important.


      Re: (K)ubuntu 9.04 randomly powerdown on travelmate 4102WLMi

      Sounds like a thermal shutdown, to me. After 4 years, there may be a dust accumulation. Windows may do a better job of throttling the CPU, so it doesn't show up there as fast. Just speculation ....


        Re: (K)ubuntu 9.04 randomly powerdown on travelmate 4102WLMi

        - About the ATI drivers: how can I check this, I just used the Kubuntu 32bits DVD and ran updates.
        - I will check the desktop effects settings
        - Thermal shutdown is very unlikely. I cleaned fan and cool block 2 months ago after the constant max fanspeed start bothering me. After that my Acer is very silent. Because of the random power offs I run XP, and this is still without any problems. I forgot to mention it's dual boot


          Re: (K)ubuntu 9.04 randomly powerdown on travelmate 4102WLMi

          ATI drivers: in the System KMenu entry there is a Hardware Drivers entry. If you never went there, it means you are using the default (open source) drivers. These may have no 3D acceleration (depending on how new is your chipset), but they are a lot more reliable. You can go there and verify that the binary driver is not activated, which is what we need for now.

          Thermal issues: excellent point. You can install ksensors and run it, it may show you the temperatures in real time ...


            Re: (K)ubuntu 9.04 randomly powerdown on travelmate 4102WLMi

            After installing Ksensor and running Ksensors I received following:

            /usr/bin/iceauth: creating new authority file /home/albert/.ICEauthority
            kbuildsycoca running...
            KSensors error: sensors_init fail, error code -4
            I checked for the ATI driver which was not there. So I'm using the open Source version
            I did not had the Desktop effect enabled. I did for a while and was blown away by the provided eye candy. My X700 64Mb PCI Express cards does a fine job in this.

            After starting Kubuntu I saw to errors pasing by, I captured the messages on the screen:

            A Fatal Error Occurred
            The application KWin (kwin) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV).
            Please help us improve the software you use by filing a report at [url][/url]. Useful details include how to reproduce the error, documents that were loaded, etc
            A Fatal Error Occurred
            The application Plasma Workspace (plasma) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV).
            Please help us improve the software you use by filing a report at [url][/url]. Useful details include how to reproduce the error, documents that were loaded, etc.

            A powerdown did not follow direct upon receiving these messages. That took more than five minutes


              Re: (K)ubuntu 9.04 randomly powerdown on travelmate 4102WLMi

              Ah, I forgot that ksensors does not configure lm-sensors, the tool doing the actual job
              You need to run this in a konsole:

              sudo sensors-detect
              Plasma crashing, maybe you can try the latest stable kde?


                Re: (K)ubuntu 9.04 randomly powerdown on travelmate 4102WLMi

                Hi there,

                Here another update! It seems like there are over 90 software updates every day I start Kubuntu ....:S and downloading them on 10Kbyte/sec line takes long time.
                I think with get closer and closer to the problem as I can recreate it )
                Also my laptop seems to be much more stable. I can recreate the powerdown in at least one situation when I browse with Firefox and encounter Flash on a website, Firefoxs pops up a message to download and install Flash-> then everytime poof; powerdown.
                after running 'sudo sensors-detect'
                Sorry, no sensors were detected.
                Either your sensors are not supported, or they are connected to an
                I2C or SMBus adapter that is not supported. See
                [url][/url] for further information.
                If you find out what chips are on your board, check
                [url][/url] for driver status.
                so it seems that my chipset is not supported yet. I will check my chipset.

                I think tonight I will start to test some other Linux distros with live CD, to see if the problem also occurs there. I think I'm getting the Linux feeling, thank you for that


                  Re: (K)ubuntu 9.04 randomly powerdown on travelmate 4102WLMi

                  Good news!

                  Randomly seems to fade away. I just do one thing at the time and that check the results. If there is a powerdown I restart the machine and do exactly the same. After installing flashplayer, flash worked in Firefox, not in the default Webbrowser.
                  Than when I opened Gmail in FF and when it popped up to remember my password any button I clicked poof powerdown (tried it two times with same result).

                  For me it seems there is like a setting in Kubunt/Firefox that in case of an error switch of machine instantly... Is there?


                    Re: (K)ubuntu 9.04 randomly powerdown on travelmate 4102WLMi

                    Not really, AFAIK. But, if the only thing crashing now is firefox, I would try Firefox-3.5 (it is there, in the repositories). If this works for you, you can install the default firefox and keep the newer 3.5! Flash should work with it (it works for me, that for sure).

