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usb keyboard problem - kubuntu 9.04

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    usb keyboard problem - kubuntu 9.04

    Everything was working fine with my kubuntu 9.04 desktop until yesterday.

    When I turn on the computer,. the usb keyboard does NOT work.

    I unplug the usb and plug it in again after a coouple of seconds, and
    now the usb keyboard works fine.

    any suggestions?

    Re: usb keyboard problem - kubuntu 9.04

    What graphics card and driver? When you start the computer, you get the login GUI? Can you enter a password, or is the keyboard already disabled at that point?


      Re: usb keyboard problem - kubuntu 9.04

      ati Radeon 9550

      when I start the computer, the keyboard works fine at the login GUi.

      But when kubuntu finishes loading, the keyboard doesn't work.

      then I pull the usb out and re-connect it and THEN the keyboard
      works fine.

      Strange, isn't it?


        Re: usb keyboard problem - kubuntu 9.04

        Here's a little thing to do that might shed some light. After KDE finishes loading, do Alt-SysRq R S E

        That should shut down X and dump you to the tty console that loaded KDE. Look at the messages -- what do you see? "no driver kbd" or something like would indicate a problem with your video driver, and you'll need to reinstall the video driver. Or, maybe it's something else.


          Re: usb keyboard problem - kubuntu 9.04

          Well something similar happened to me today!

          I have Jaunty 9.04 with a wired PS2 keyboard. Yesterday everything was fine, (last thing I did was reinstalling pulseaudio, 'cause I was searching to get my mic working in Skype) this morning no keyboard.

          What I've tried so far:

          same keyboard, entering BIOS: everything works fine
          same keyboard, entered dualboot XP: everything works fine
          same keyboard, entering grub: everything works fine
          same keyboard, opening terminal with mouse: keyboard doesn't work

          other keyboard, entering Jaunty: not good either

          I know there is this key to enter during boot which brings you in console modus immediatly, but I somehow forgot the keystrokes. This is something I can think of I can try, but then I don't know where to look if it works.


            Re: usb keyboard problem - kubuntu 9.04

            @Snowmiss, the problem with going straight to the console (hit "Esc" during boot) is that it will probably work just fine, but it won't show why the keyboard won't work in X. That's why I recommended going into X, then use Alt-SysRq R S E to get out of it, and then look at the error output on the console.


              Re: usb keyboard problem - kubuntu 9.04

              Originally posted by dibl
              @Snowmiss, the problem with going straight to the console (hit "Esc" during boot) is that it will probably work just fine, but it won't show why the keyboard won't work in X. That's why I recommended going into X, then use Alt-SysRq R S E to get out of it, and then look at the error output on the console.
              Aha now I get it.

              In the meanwhile (after three re-installs >), I didn't really solve my problem, but found out it had to do with something in my .kde folder, corrupted one way or the other.
              So I deleted the whole thing, and since then I have my keyboard back. And I am using it a lot to get all my looks/feels back


                Re: usb keyboard problem - kubuntu 9.04

                Heh heh heh -- OK, I call that "practice"!

                Usually the .kde folder gets messed up by using the root account, or "sudo" commands, when you shouldn't. If you need to "dbus-launch kdesudo dolphin" for example, or install a software package, be very careful to stay out of the user's folder. Whenever a file gets saved in the user's folder with root privileges on it, bad stuff usually starts to happen with KDE.


                  Re: usb keyboard problem - kubuntu 9.04

                  Having the same issue as Snowmiss.
                  Have a PS2 wired keyboard that doesn't work all of a sudden.
                  Will try the above suggestions, but wanted to add to the tally.

                  Thank you for all efforts, much appreciated.


                    Re: usb keyboard problem - kubuntu 9.04

                    Hi savsav, i had the same problem, but don't worry about it.
                    In KDE @ the system log, in prompt the keyboard works fine. but after loading the system the keyboard works really slow! Restarting didn't solve the problem but unplugging the keyboard and plugging it after 3 secs. it turns 2 work properly "i get crazy for that" The solution is to modify a THE KDE config file "kacessrc".

                    /* Solution:
                    1. Change directory under your home.
                    2. cd /.kde/share/config/.
                    3. vi kaccessrc . (You can run kate and edit kaccessrc file).
                    4. In the line "SlowKeys=true" : substitute true with false.
                    5. save the file and relog.
                    Resolved!!! */

                    Hope to be useful

