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has Kubuntu no default program for scanners? [solved]

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    has Kubuntu no default program for scanners? [solved]

    Hi, I used to use Ubuntu and now I've been trying Kubuntu (since last release on April). Yesterday I decided to digitalize a document, so I opened The Gimp, clicked on File menu, then on Create and... there's no option to capture from a scanner!

    I searched for any scanner program on K menu and I didn't find it.
    Is it true? Is there no program for scanner?
    What program should I install to use with my HP Photosmart C3180?
    I used to use Xsane in Gnome (it's default program for this purpose), is it the right choice in KDE?
    &lt;Asus K8U-X&gt;&lt;AMD Athlon 64 3000+&gt;&lt;1.5Gb&gt;<br />&lt;NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 256Mb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 80Gb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 250Gb&gt;<br />Kubuntu 9.04 amd64

    Re: has Kubuntu no default program for scanners?

    Wellcome to the Kubuntu (KDE/Qt) side

    Few packages:

    KDE default (?) scanning application
    Package: skanlite
    Description: KDE 4 image scanning application
    Skanlite is an image scanning application, for KDE 4, that does nothing more
    than scan and save images.
    Gimp and scanning
    Package: gimp2.0-quiteinsane
    Description: A Qt based SANE plugin for GIMP 2.0
    This Qt based SANE plugin runs through the GIMP image manipulation program
    and provide the ability to scan directly from it.

    More options > Topic: Kooka and jaunty
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: has Kubuntu no default program for scanners?

      That is a good question though.... since I haven't "installed" feisty(?), what is the default fresh install scan utility for kubuntu? Is it really GIMP? It certainly should be skanlite, IMO.


        Re: has Kubuntu no default program for scanners?

        there isn't a scanner tool installed by default I think as space on the cd is quite limited, so there isn't one in a default install (i think). Skanlite is the KDE scanner app, but xsane is the one with more advanced options, and also integrates with the Gimp


          Re: has Kubuntu no default program for scanners?

          gimp2.0-quiteinsane is great!

          I chose it because it is integrated with the Gimp... I never simply scan and save, we always need to adjust something.

          Thank you all!

          P.S.: I don't think this tiny software makes big difference in CD space... but, anyway, Internet did the job.
          &lt;Asus K8U-X&gt;&lt;AMD Athlon 64 3000+&gt;&lt;1.5Gb&gt;<br />&lt;NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 256Mb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 80Gb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 250Gb&gt;<br />Kubuntu 9.04 amd64


            Re: has Kubuntu no default program for scanners?

            If you add some of the extra libraries needed, it can be quite a large number, considering that the disk image is usually packed to the limit quite literally. There is little if any extra space available, so even a few hundred k may be a bit too much.

            As for quitinsane, it is also a qt3- based app and Kubuntu is a KE4/qt4 based distro ans is aiming for not having any kde3/qt3 apps or libraries. k3b is probably the last big app installed by default that is still kde3/qt3. Those extra libraries needed would free up some extra space when they are no longer needed, and something like skanlite could possibly be included.

            I think the current thought is that since we don't have an image editor/photo manager by default, a scanner app wouldn't be of great use.


              Re: has Kubuntu no default program for scanners?

              Originally posted by claydoh
              ...I think the current thought is that since we don't have an image editor/photo manager by default, a scanner app wouldn't be of great use.
              Documents get scanned to be saved, not to get manipulated or even ever get viewed. At least that is the case at both my employer of ~2000 and my home. I would think that is the standard use of a scanner in most environments.


                Re: has Kubuntu no default program for scanners?

                Originally posted by kjjjjshab
                Documents get scanned to be saved, not to get manipulated or even ever get viewed. At least that is the case at both my employer of ~2000 and my home. I would think that is the standard use of a scanner in most environments.
                kjjjjshab has a point. I told you about my use of the whole thing, but the fact kde has no image editor isn't related to not having a scanner app. (btw I think it should have both). And kde can have a scanner app before having a image editor (as it already has, why not release it within kubuntu?).

                It seems Kde community has urgent issues to work on before to spend energy with scanner app. This transition from Kde3 to Kde4 have been too long and painful.

                &lt;Asus K8U-X&gt;&lt;AMD Athlon 64 3000+&gt;&lt;1.5Gb&gt;<br />&lt;NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 256Mb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 80Gb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 250Gb&gt;<br />Kubuntu 9.04 amd64


                  Re: has Kubuntu no default program for scanners? [solved]

                  btw, my problem was (somewhat) solved and I'm satisfied.
                  &lt;Asus K8U-X&gt;&lt;AMD Athlon 64 3000+&gt;&lt;1.5Gb&gt;<br />&lt;NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 256Mb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 80Gb&gt;&lt;HD S-ATA 250Gb&gt;<br />Kubuntu 9.04 amd64

