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Display Setting Only Showing 2 Options

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    Display Setting Only Showing 2 Options

    I have just changed my MB (Gigabyte GA-G31M), but I kept my old HDD. I reinstalled Jaunty in / partition, and everything works except for the Display Setting. When I boot using the Jaunty Live disk I can see the 4 settings from 600x400 to 1152x864 in Display Settings, but booting from the HDD only gives me the bottom 2. I am unable to boot into Failsafe mode either. How do I regain the 1024x768 option?

    Re: Display Setting Only Showing 2 Options

    I'm still trying to figure out the same problem. The most complaints I've seen have focused around Intel adapters - what video card do you have? I haven't foudn a solution as of yet. I have an nVidia GeForce 9600M GS & one 1920x1200 res flatpannel screen (internal to laptop, I'm not using twin view (multi-monitor) nor do I have an external monitor hooked up). XRandR only reports the one resoolution avalible. I can only use 1920x1200 resolution and I'm having one heck of a time with other games that I want using full screen but have lower resolutions (ie: StarCraft under WINE - the screen size stays the same, the screen goes black, and then the game appears and only takes up 640x480pixels of the 1920x1200 display starting at the top left hand corner - not exactly nice on the eye's).


      Re: Display Setting Only Showing 2 Options

      Oh, I'll add a few thigns I did try with the propietary nVidia driver.

      I added the following to my xorg.conf file because it looked the most promising:

      The the driver section, I added:
      Option "UseEDID" "false"

      To the monitor section I added
      Modes "1920x1200" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

      I then restarted X and was presented with a black screen...Not a black screen of death, and if i tyoed in my password I could hear the intro to KDE play. So I then swtiched to a terminal, remorked those lines and restarted X yet again and bang, I was right back to square one EXCEPT that everything on the desktop I could tell had scaled down to fit onto a 640x480 desktop and needed to be reset (the lower pannel's width being the key indicator).


        Re: Display Setting Only Showing 2 Options

        I don't have a card ATM, using onboard video - however I have an Nvidia card from my previous system which I will try this weekend. This shouldn't be the cause tho, as I said it works fine when I boot the Live CD.


          Solved - Re: Display Setting Only Showing 2 Options

          +Now using the Nvidia card as mentioned, and display is back to normal - my next problem will be getting 3D to work.


            Re: Display Setting Only Showing 2 Options

            I'm glad that it's working for you now. :-)

            I found this page:

            Using the instructions listed under "Problem: The LCD's maximum resolution is detected automatically, but lower resolutions are not available". I followed the directions and using to make up the modelines I needed. Now this first test I was using the open source "nv" Xorg driver. It worked with out a hitch and I can change my display resolutions.

            So I then installed the closed source nVidia 180 drivers (my laptop has an nVidia 9600M GS video adapter). From a command terminal I follow the same directions except I changed the display name from LVDS to default (because that the only diplay device xrandr shows with the closed drivers installed). When I test it the screen flickers for a brief second, restores (the display resolution stays the same), and xrandr spits out the message "xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed".

            So it's a semi go, I can do it with out 3D acceleration (and I need the 3D cababilies of my video adapter - thats why I spec'd it out). :-(


              Re: Display Setting Only Showing 2 Options

              I did s'more digging and I believe I found the problem - or bug rather.


              Not solved yet, but thanks!

