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What does this mean?

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    What does this mean?

    trying to get my webcam to work on jaunty (it worked perfectly on hardy) and following advice to do a modprobe gspca, I got this message from terminal:

    bernie@Godess-1:~$ modprobe gspca
    WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat, it will be ignored in a future release.
    WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/libpisock9, it will be ignored in a future release.
    FATAL: Module gspca not found.

    What does it mean and what will be ignored and should I be worried?
    I'm only here so often because I'm too blinking lazy to learn shell!

    Re: What does this mean?

    Originally posted by bernieszu

    What does it mean and what will be ignored and should I be worried?
    This is a goofy decision by some programmer on a very cool way to inform other programmers that the filename format for configuration files will, in the future, be required to conform to a standard:

    Why they subjected us users to viewing it is beyond my imagination. :-X

    Regarding your USB webcam, these things are pretty much a never-ending source of amusement. Here's something from one of my go-rounds with my Logitech Communicate STX -- check out the last few posts on the thread:

    BTW, it works on 9.04 with no special startup tricks -- at least it does for Ekiga.


      Re: What does this mean? Camera prob solved if you open skype in the terminal

      Thanks Dibl - Great advice that leads to a solution yet again!

      Okay, so taking this from your advice in the thread you sent me to,

      $ sudo apt-get update
      $ sudo apt-get install libv4l-0
      $ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ camorama

      I changed the last line to this;

      $ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ skype

      and if I enter that line in my terminal, skype opens and my camera works perfectly!
      But if I open skype through the GUI (I mean by clicking on the skype icon) it's back to the green screen.
      So, I'm quite happy to open from the command line when I want to do video calls, but do you know any handy way to change the way skype opens through the GUI so that the camera works there too? Do I need to change a line in a file somewhere through Krusader?
      I'm only here so often because I'm too blinking lazy to learn shell!


        Re: What does this mean? Camera prob solved if you open skype in the terminal

        Originally posted by bernieszu

        do you know any handy way to change the way skype opens through the GUI so that the camera works there too? Do I need to change a line in a file somewhere through Krusader?
        No, you are stuck launching it with the scripted "LD_PRELOAD" command, unfortunately, unless the applicable gspca driver is updated to handle whatever the incompatibility is for this kernel.

        I got lucky with 9.04 -- Ekiga launches with v4l support already enabled, and my webcam works "out of the box" on this release. Not that I'm a heavy user of it, but it's nice to know it's working if I need it.

        Glad you got yours working!


          Re: What does this mean?

          I fully admit that I don't have a webcam...but couldn't you create a .desktop file that has an EXEC statement that executes the script? Then you could launch from the GUI...or did I misunderstand?

          For instance, I have a program named eclipse that is in my home directory...I edited a firefox.desktop file, and changed the exec line to point to /home/steven/eclipse/eclipse/eclipse, and it loads the script file that launches that application. (which is a script file named 'eclipse' in the '/home/steven/eclipse/eclipse' directory)

          Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop<br />Intel T9300 Core2Duo Processor @ 2.5Ghz<br />4 GB Ram | 1920 X 1200 Resolution<br />2 X 160 GB SATA HD Internal<br />Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Adapter<br />Using Kubuntu 9.10


            Re: What does this mean?

            Originally posted by muzicman0

            couldn't you create a .desktop file that has an EXEC statement that executes the script? Then you could launch from the GUI...or did I misunderstand?
            Yes, you could come up with a method -- I didn't mean to imply it is impossible. Bernie asked about a "handy way" -- I'm not sure there's anything "handier" than the little script that I wrote on the other thread.

            Another approach that might work is to use the new menu editor and edit the launch command to add the LD_PRELOAD script as a prefix to the GUI launch command.


              Re: What does this mean?

              Dibl and Musicman,
              Not at all urgent, but if either or both of you could step me through how to do that, I would really appreciate it! I have the new kate editor, but have no idea how to use it for this kind of thing. I don't even know how to locate the GUI launch command or how to disable the automatic startup for skype when I boot up the system!

              Will peruse the handbook and try to learn for myself, but any advice would be very welcome.
              I&#39;m only here so often because I&#39;m too blinking lazy to learn shell!


                Re: What does this mean?


                Thanks again Dibl,

                After much fruitless searching (and, in retrospect, brainless) I finally located the menu editor when I had given up and was looking for something else. I never thought of just right clicking the application launcher! Anyway, the fix you suggested works perfectly, so I can now use the camera on Skype when it's launched from within the GUI.
                I&#39;m only here so often because I&#39;m too blinking lazy to learn shell!


                  Re: What does this mean?

                  Originally posted by bernieszu

                  the fix you suggested works perfectly
                  Kewel! 8)

