How can I change the keyboard repeat rate?
KDE has no such setting in its latest incarnation (what the...) and I don't want to use it anyways.
I don't have gnome, so gnome-mouse-properties is out of the question.
kbdrate is only for the console.
xset complains about a missing module called XFree86-Misc, which I thought was supposed to be provided by"extmod" but adding Load "extmod" to /etc/X11/xorg.conf didn't change anything.
Any other ideas? I can't believe I've been going at this for 30 minutes.
KDE has no such setting in its latest incarnation (what the...) and I don't want to use it anyways.
I don't have gnome, so gnome-mouse-properties is out of the question.
kbdrate is only for the console.
xset complains about a missing module called XFree86-Misc, which I thought was supposed to be provided by"extmod" but adding Load "extmod" to /etc/X11/xorg.conf didn't change anything.
Any other ideas? I can't believe I've been going at this for 30 minutes.