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[SOLVED] ATI Driver issues

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    [SOLVED] ATI Driver issues

    i installed jaunty(beta) last night on my desktop (check sig for hw info). everything was working smooth untill i tried to install the gfx drivers...

    first off jockey did nothing when i clicked the activate button (monitor the process yeilds lots of yyyyyyyyyy then nothing)

    so i installed envy-ng and installed the ati driver (8.6 i think) after a reboot, everything comes up but apon activating "desktop" effects the desktop goes grey the panel and widgets disapear and "flash" on the screen every so often. mostly just get a greyed out background.

    attemping to stop kdm yeilds a responce that kdm is not responding. sudo kill <pid> also has no effect on kdm. so i reboot and check ati catalist control center (it refuses to run) however according to xorg i am using the fglrx driver, reinstalled driver after a --purge same thing happens .

    is this a known issue and does ne one have a solution ?
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    Re: ATI Driver issues

    I have the same problem. When I tried to install the ATI drivers, even if I had suggested the installation, I found myself stuck with the system. I believe that will depend on the fact that ATI has decided to discontinue support with drivers for older cards 2xxx series. In fact, using envy, the driver installation was not recommended. Unfortunately I have a laptop and change the video card is impossible, the next purchase will definitely not ATI!



      Re: ATI Driver issues

      I've got an ATI Radeon HD3450 and I've got the exact same problem except I upgrade to Jaunty(now final release) after a fresh install of Intrepid. I forgot to install the driver before the upgrade(how I did it in the past) but figured it wouldn't be a problem. I got the driver to download install and ask to restart, after the restart I checked the Hardware driver program and it said the driver was active and in use. Which is wrong because I can't enable desktop effects without having the same problem as you and the icon doesn't pop up in the system tray saying restricted drivers are in use.

      I didn't have this problem in beta or RC but again I always installed the driver before I upgrade to Jaunty.


        Re: ATI Driver issues

        well yesterday i did a fresh install of jaunty on the same computer (formated the drive completely)

        still no luck getting the driver to work via jockey how ever i did install the driver from the ati site very easy.
        1. dl it from
        2 open konsole
        3. type
        sudo sh <path do driver>/<driver will be named like ati.blah blah .run
        4. there little gui installer will launch and install the driver after a few questions... (i basicly clicked next a lot)

        now after i did that compiz works just fine but native kde4 apps don't support transparency. i will post my xorg.conf file below as i am sure its just missing some stuff, as i think there should be some thing like option "agrbvalues" "true" but what exactly and the searching i have done has only provided me with adding a section w/ option "composite" "enable" i added it but with no luck. so i removed it.. to make my xorg look like it did after install as seen below.

        Section "Monitor"
        	Identifier	"Configured Monitor"
        Section "Screen"
        	Identifier	"Default Screen"
        	Monitor		"Configured Monitor"
        	Device		"Configured Video Device"
        	DefaultDepth	24
        Section "Module"
        	Load	"glx"
        	Disable	"dri2"
        Section "Device"
        	Identifier	"Configured Video Device"
        	Driver	"fglrx"
        Section "ServerFlags"
        	Option	"DontZap"	"False"
        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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          Re: ATI Driver issues

          i have managed to get transparency in one of the things i was aiming for ...

          here is my new xorg.conf

          Section "Monitor"
          	Identifier	"Configured Monitor"
          Section "Screen"
          	Identifier	"Default Screen"
          	Monitor		"Configured Monitor"
          	Device		"Configured Video Device"
          	DefaultDepth 24	
          	Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true" #<-THATS NEW
          Section "Module"
          	Load	"glx"
          	#	Disable	"dri2" #<- Commented out because it crashes ati catalist control center.
          Section "Device"
          	Identifier	"Configured Video Device"
          	Driver	"fglrx"
          	Option "AccelMethod" "EXA" #<- THATS NEW
          Section "ServerFlags"
          	Option "AIGLX" "True" #<- THATS NEW
          	Option	"DontZap"	"False"
          so useing this xorg i can accually run the ati control center.. and
          i can get transparency in yakuake or konsole for the background how ever amarok's osd will still not become transparent at all when on it just gets slighty darker

          found also a wiki

          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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            Re: ATI Driver issues

            ok after a reboot and no further fiddleing w/ my xorg amarok's osd does go transparent.
            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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              Re: [SOLVED] ATI Driver issues

              Have you tried this on 64 bit or 32 bit jaunty?
              Watching the Watcher.<br />Cummin&#39; a getcha.<br /><br />Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04 on Acer 5103 laptop with Intel 2200BG Wireless Card<br />Problems with ATI X1300 graphics card driver


                Re: [SOLVED] ATI Driver issues

                the machine above is a 64-bit machine.. but there should be no difference between 64-bit and 32-bit.
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                  Re: [SOLVED] ATI Driver issues

                  I get an error when running the package (see below).... any ideas?

                  sudo sh
                  [sudo] password for fabrefaction:
                  Created directory fglrx-install.AVgpOG
                  Verifying archive integrity... All good.
                  Uncompressing ATI Proprietary Linux Driver-8.582...
                  ATI Technologies Linux Driver Installer/Packager

                  Error: ./ does not support version
                  default:v286_64:lib32::none:2.6.28-13-generic; make sure that the version is being
                  correctly set by --iscurrentdistro

                  Removing temporary directory: fglrx-install.AVgpOG
                  Watching the Watcher.<br />Cummin&#39; a getcha.<br /><br />Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04 on Acer 5103 laptop with Intel 2200BG Wireless Card<br />Problems with ATI X1300 graphics card driver


                    Re: [SOLVED] ATI Driver issues

                    you do have a gui running right ? cause you will need one to install with this package... , i have no idea about ur error but check there wiki perhaps you can find more info on that there..
                    Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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                      Re: [SOLVED] ATI Driver issues

                      GUI is running.
                      I'll check out the Wiki, cheers.
                      Watching the Watcher.<br />Cummin&#39; a getcha.<br /><br />Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04 on Acer 5103 laptop with Intel 2200BG Wireless Card<br />Problems with ATI X1300 graphics card driver

