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[Solved] texlive and the picins-package

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    [Solved] texlive and the picins-package

    I just installed some texlive-packages and tried to run my old latex-files from my windows PC. But the package "picins" was missing and since I did't find it in one of the texlive-packages I just downloaded the package at dante. I than copied it to /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/picins but Kile still can't find this package Now I guess I have to update the tex-tree or something, so texlive knows about this new package but I don't have a clue how to do it So I hope someone of you can give me an hand.
    btw: I run kububtu 8.10 (ibex) with Kile 2.0 installed

    Re: texlive and the picins-package

    I know very little of latex but I do know that Debian, and therefore Kubuntu, have a large collection of latex packages and that picins is almost certainly included in one of them. The question is, which one?

    aptitude search latex
    show a lot of packages.
    latex-beamer - LaTeX class to produce presentations
    looks promising. If you see others that might contains it just install them with
    sudo aptitude install packagename
    and then run
    dpkg -L packagename | grep picins
    and you will know if you got it.


      Re: texlive and the picins-package

      Kile should be available in the repositories. Have you check Adept Manager or Synaptic Package Manager to see if it is available for installation?
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: texlive and the picins-package

        I think
        sudo aptitude install texlive-pictures
        will solve the problem.


          Re: texlive and the picins-package

          I already have the beamer class installed as well as the texlive-picture package. Both of them don't include the picins command. Therfore I just searched all the descriptions of texlive packages availible from the adept interface but did't find any hind about which package includes picins.
          It may be that the descriptions don't show all the packages they install but the question than is, how I could find the right texlive package

          @Snowhog: Kile is already running on my system, so this is not the problem


            Re: texlive and the picins-package

            aptitude show helps and it seems very good for tex packages
            ~ $aptitude show texlive-pictures
            Package: texlive-pictures
            State: not installed
            Version: 2007.dfsg.1-5
            Priority: optional
            Section: tex
            Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <>
            Uncompressed Size: 2839k
            Depends: tex-common (>= 1.11), texlive-base (>= 2007-11), texlive-common (>= 2007)
            Recommends: texlive-pictures-doc, pgf (>= 1.01.dfsg.1-1)
            Replaces: texlive-latex-extra (< 2007)
            Description: TeX Live: Packages for drawings graphics

            This package includes the following CTAN packages:
            bardiag -- LateX package for drawing bar diagrams
            curve -- A LaTeX2e class for making curriculum vitae.
            curve2e -- The curve2e package.
            curves -- Curves for LaTeX picture environment
            dcpic -- Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents.
            dottex -- The dottex package.
            dratex -- General drawing macros entirely in TeX.
            eepic -- Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools.
            gnuplottex -- The gnuplottex package.
            miniplot -- A package for easy figure arrangement.
            pb-diagram -- A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts.
            petri-nets -- TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets
            picinpar -- Insert pictures into paragraphs.
            pict2e -- New implementation of picture commands.
            pictex -- Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX.
            pictex2 -- Adds relative coords and rules for dots in plots.
            pmgraph -- "Poor man's" graphics.
            randbild -- The randbild package.
            swimgraf -- Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances
            texdraw -- Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.
            xypic -- Flexible diagramming macros.

            Notice picinpar. Is this what picin does? Could it be a replacement for picin?


              Re: texlive and the picins-package

              I did a little digging and found that picin is not in Debian (and therefore Kubuntu) because of licensing problems. While doing this I installed a latex and it reminded me of some commands it uses to update things. Those are mktexlsr and updmap-sys. I am not real familiar with them but I bet if you install a tex package you do not have it will run them and probably include your copy of picin. If you have everything installed you could remove one and then install it again.


                Re: texlive and the picins-package

                I just checked the documentation of picinpar and it is indeed nearly similar to picins. Nearly means it doesn't provide piccaptions the way picins does. Nevertheless I think you are quite right, it seems to be a replacement for picins. Which make sens in the means of licence issues.
                So I have to thank you very much for the help, the little introduction into the aptitude command and the digging
                Now I'll try to get used to picinpar and hope it serves my needs.

                Edit: I was just too curious and tried the mktexlsr command. It really worked well and now I can use my loved picins-package. So again many thanks There is now one more happy guy on this planet 8)

