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Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

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    Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

    Hi guys,

    I have installed Kubuntu 8.10 / KDE 4.2 on my PC with nvidia GE9300 video card and I have installed the last NVIDIA driver 180.29. The result is a black screen .
    When I go on tty1 and code "startx" I obtain the following errors:

    ....... etc.....
    (==) Using config file "/etc/X11/Xorg.conf"
    (EE) No devices detected.

    Fatal server error:
    no screens found
    giving up
    xinit: Connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X server
    xinit: No such process (errno 3): server error.

    My bit of the "xorg.conf" is the following:

    Section "Device"
    Identifier "nVidia Corporation [GeForce 9300 GT]"
    Busid "PCI:1:0:0"
    Option "CursorShadow" "1"
    Option "MetaModes" "1680x1050, 1280x1024"# default #
    Option "HorizSync" "28-64"
    Option "VertRefresh" "43-60"
    Driver "nvidia"
    ## Driver "vesa"

    when I use "vesa" drive instead "nvidia" it works perfectly .

    Please can anybody help me ??
    thanks in advance

    Dual-booting:<br />Kubuntu: Karmic Koala (Main OS)<br />Windows:Vista Home Premium<br />--------------------------------------------------------------<br />Sony Vaio&nbsp; VGN-NR21Z - 2 Duo processor T8100<br />Graphics nvidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU

    Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

    This happened to me too so i had to revert back to 177.
    Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It&#39;s what separates us from the animals ... except the weasel.


      Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

      There are some thing sin you xorg.conf I have not seen before. Most relevant is the metamodes. Did you create that file or did nvidia-xconfig create it? The error about no modes found means that it can not find a specific resoloution and refresh rate that it feels fits your monitor. the horiz and vert settings affect this also. Did you add them? What happens if you comment them?

      The newer X does not require as much info as the older ones did. Mine, created by nvidia-xconfig, is quite short mostlu to load nvidia and glx.
      Section "Monitor"
      Identifier "Configured Monitor"

      Section "Screen"
      Identifier "Default Screen"
      Monitor "Configured Monitor"
      Device "Configured Video Device"
      DefaultDepth 24

      Section "Module"
      Load "glx"

      Section "Device"
      Identifier "Configured Video Device"
      Driver "nvidia"
      Option "NoLogo" "True"


        Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

        Originally posted by mando_hacker
        There are some thing sin you xorg.conf I have not seen before. Most relevant is the metamodes. Did you create that file or did nvidia-xconfig create it? The error about no modes found means that it can not find a specific resoloution and refresh rate that it feels fits your monitor. the horiz and vert settings affect this also. Did you add them? What happens if you comment them?

        The newer X does not require as much info as the older ones did. Mine, created by nvidia-xconfig, is quite short mostlu to load nvidia and glx.
        Section "Monitor"
        Identifier "Configured Monitor"

        Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Default Screen"
        Monitor "Configured Monitor"
        Device "Configured Video Device"
        DefaultDepth 24

        Section "Module"
        Load "glx"

        Section "Device"
        Identifier "Configured Video Device"
        Driver "nvidia"
        Option "NoLogo" "True"
        I tried also "nvidia-xconfig" but the result is the same. I tried to install the driver 180, 177, 173 with "envyng -t" always with the same result , the X server doesn't work.

        That is very strange .!!

        thanks anyway
        Dual-booting:<br />Kubuntu: Karmic Koala (Main OS)<br />Windows:Vista Home Premium<br />--------------------------------------------------------------<br />Sony Vaio&nbsp; VGN-NR21Z - 2 Duo processor T8100<br />Graphics nvidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU


          Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

          I notice you did not respond to questions about anything other than the tools you have used. Does that mean you are only interested in getting it to work if you can run a tool to do that?

          It might be that you have to work with the lines in xorg.conf and try some changes, and almost certainly you need to find a modeline that will work. You probably will not find such a thing, though, if your monitor numbers are not reasonable.


            Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

            Originally posted by mando_hacker
            I notice you did not respond to questions about anything other than the tools you have used. Does that mean you are only interested in getting it to work if you can run a tool to do that?

            It might be that you have to work with the lines in xorg.conf and try some changes, and almost certainly you need to find a modeline that will work. You probably will not find such a thing, though, if your monitor numbers are not reasonable.
            That xorg.conf works on my laptop, I adjusted that for the PC. Therefore I have used nvidia-xconfig to generate xorg.conf after installing nvidia driver 180. The result now is the same black screen . I checked the log file "Xorg.0.log" and I found the following error:
            0: /usr/.....etc
            1: [0xb80f8400]
            Saw signal 11. Server aborting
            (II) UnloadModule: "kbd"
            (II) UnloadModule: "mouse"

            what is "Server aborting" ??, On the Kubuntu forum talking about a bug of Xorg is possible ??


            Dual-booting:<br />Kubuntu: Karmic Koala (Main OS)<br />Windows:Vista Home Premium<br />--------------------------------------------------------------<br />Sony Vaio&nbsp; VGN-NR21Z - 2 Duo processor T8100<br />Graphics nvidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU


              Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

              Try downloading the 185.13 Beta driver from (since nothing else is working for you). It should work on that GeF9300. Here's the guidance:

              If you have previously used "Restricted Driver Manager" or "nvidia-xxx-glx" then you're going to have to do these things before you can install the new driver (otherwise proceed directly to Step #1) :

              - Open Adept or Synaptic, or use apt-get, and remove --purge linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`
              - Remove any and all packages beginning with "nvidia-..." (see command line below)
              - Use your editor in root mode to open the file /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common, and on the last line where it says


              insert "nv" between the quote marks, so it reads:


              and save it. Next, at the "/~$" prompt

              sudo rm -rf nvidia*

              Now go to #1 and begin:

              1. Download the 32-bit or 64-bit driver, as appropriate, to your /home/user/Desktop folder from here:


              2. When it is done downloading, Ctrl-Alt-F1 out of the X server, and log in to the CLI. If Kubuntu returns you to the GUI login, click the "Menu" at the bottom and choose "console login". Log in at the console.


              sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop


              cd /tmp

              sudo mkdir nv
              cd nv

              sudo cp /home/user/Desktop/NV{TAB to complete} .


              sudo sh NV{TAB to complete}

              8.a. Accept the license
              b. Remove prior driver? = Y
              c. Download a kernel interface? = Y
              c. Compile a kernel interface? = OK
              d. Install Nvidia's 32-bit compatibility OpenGL libraries? = Y
              e. Run the nvidia-xconfig utility? = Y (or, if you already have a good xorg.conf -- N)


              sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start

              Log in and enjoy the view!


                Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

                Xorg is as much a part of Kubuntu as KDE or linux. I know of no reason why it would be an inappropriate topic.

                "adjusted that for the PC" doesn't tell me much. Have you commented the lines about the monitor and the metamodes and tried it? In fact it would be worth trying with just the file I sent you. You do not have to reboot to try changes.

                Ctl-Alt-F1 will get you to a terminal and you can then run
                "sudo invoke-rc.d kdm stop"
                to stop kdm and
                "sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start
                to start it with a changed file.


                  Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

                  Originally posted by dibl
                  Try downloading the 185.13 Beta driver from (since nothing else is working for you). It should work on that GeF9300. Here's the guidance:

                  If you have previously used "Restricted Driver Manager" or "nvidia-xxx-glx" then you're going to have to do these things before you can install the new driver (otherwise proceed directly to Step #1) :

                  - Open Adept or Synaptic, or use apt-get, and remove --purge linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`
                  - Remove any and all packages beginning with "nvidia-..." (see command line below)
                  - Use your editor in root mode to open the file /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common, and on the last line where it says


                  insert "nv" between the quote marks, so it reads:


                  and save it. Next, at the "/~$" prompt

                  sudo rm -rf nvidia*

                  Now go to #1 and begin:

                  1. Download the 32-bit or 64-bit driver, as appropriate, to your /home/user/Desktop folder from here:


                  2. When it is done downloading, Ctrl-Alt-F1 out of the X server, and log in to the CLI. If Kubuntu returns you to the GUI login, click the "Menu" at the bottom and choose "console login". Log in at the console.


                  sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop


                  cd /tmp

                  sudo mkdir nv
                  cd nv

                  sudo cp /home/user/Desktop/NV{TAB to complete} .
                  NOTICE THE PERIOD AT THE END!


                  sudo sh NV{TAB to complete}

                  8.a. Accept the license
                  b. Remove prior driver? = Y
                  c. Download a kernel interface? = Y
                  c. Compile a kernel interface? = OK
                  d. Install Nvidia's 32-bit compatibility OpenGL libraries? = Y
                  e. Run the nvidia-xconfig utility? = Y (or, if you already have a good xorg.conf -- N)


                  sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start

                  Log in and enjoy the view!
                  hello dibl,
                  I have done all that wrote on your post less:
                  Remove any and all packages beginning with "nvidia-..." (see command line below)
                  the command <sudo rm -rf nvidia*> didn't remove nothing because I don't know where are these packages, anyway I have gone ahead and I followed the steps 1:9 at the end I restart Kubuntu but the login didn't work again , X server does 2 tempts to loading the GUI but the screen at last remain black.

                  I have seen on the screen 8 (Ctrl+Alt+F8) only the following lines :
                  * checking battery state
                  /dev/sda:    (here is Vista)
                  Setting Advanced power management level to 0xfe (254)
                  /dev/sdb:     (here is Linux)
                  Setting Advanced power management level to 0xfe (254).  [OK]
                  Not starting K display manager (kdm-kde4); it is not the default display manager .
                  Starting TiMidity++ ALSA midi emulation..........  [OK]
                  the above line (Not starting K display....) could be the problem ?? because I saw on my laptop more lines and one the following " starting K display manager: kdm"

                  thanks a lot for your support

                  Dual-booting:<br />Kubuntu: Karmic Koala (Main OS)<br />Windows:Vista Home Premium<br />--------------------------------------------------------------<br />Sony Vaio&nbsp; VGN-NR21Z - 2 Duo processor T8100<br />Graphics nvidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU


                    Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver


                    Not starting K display manager (kdm-kde4); it is not the default display manager
                    OK, I am starting to become suspicious that the problem may not be related to the video driver at all. You say it is 8.10. But this error is referring to the kdm-kde4 display manager from 8.04 + KDE 4.1, if I'm remembering correctly. What is the history of your 8.10 -- is this an upgrade from 8.04? It looks like the problem may be with KDM, versus the nVidia driver. :P


                      Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

                      Hi dibl,
                      in fact I made the upgrade from 8.04/kde4.1 to 8.10/kde4.1 and recently from kde/4.1 to kde/4.2 using a guide found on KDE forum (howto upgrade from KDE 4.1 to 4.2) . The upgrade of kde has given some problems but at the end I thought those problems was solved.
                      The actual "sources.list" is the following

                      # grass 25.03.2009 sources.list for "intrepid" 
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid main restricted
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid-updates main restricted
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid universe
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid-updates universe
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid multiverse
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid-updates multiverse
                      deb-src [url][/url] intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid partner
                      deb-src [url][/url] intrepid partner
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid-security main restricted
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid-security universe
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid-security multiverse
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid-security main universe restricted multiverse
                      # grass:linea seguente per installare skype
                      deb [url][/url] stable non-free
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid-backports restricted main multiverse universe
                      # grass:16.09.2008 linea seguente per installare ambiente di sviluppo di KDE "Kdevelop"
                      deb [url][/url] ./
                      # grass: 2008.11.07 aggiungo Medibuntu repository vedi doc sito ubuntu
                      ## Medibuntu 
                      ## Please report any bug on [url][/url]
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid free non-free
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid main
                      #grass:14.02.2009 linea seguente per installare Google Earth
                      deb [url][/url] stable non-free
                      #grass: 26.03.2009 : experimental PPA for going to KDE 4.1 to KDE 4.2
                      deb [url][/url] intrepid main
                      deb-src [url][/url] intrepid main
                      the last 2 lines have been added for the upgrading kde. Could you check this sources.list ?

                      thanks again

                      Dual-booting:<br />Kubuntu: Karmic Koala (Main OS)<br />Windows:Vista Home Premium<br />--------------------------------------------------------------<br />Sony Vaio&nbsp; VGN-NR21Z - 2 Duo processor T8100<br />Graphics nvidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU


                        Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

                        I can't vouch for some of your sources, like but I don't think your problem is sources.

                        My personal experience with the 8.04/KDE3 > 8.04/KDE 4.1 > 8.04 > KDE 4.2 was so miserable that I installed 8.10 when it was Alpha 5 just to escape the misery. I think you have some leftovers from that miserable transition. Here's the short story:

                        KDE 3.5.x used "KDM" for the display manager. In order to adapt the new KDE4 display manager for installation on systems running KDE 3.5, they named it KDM-kde4. So people like you and me installed it, and it kinda-sorta worked. But, the "real" KDE4.2, which is what comes with 8.10 and 9.04, uses a KDE4.2 display manager named .... guess what? You got it -- KDM!

                        So, I'm not real confident that I can make your system better, under the circumstances. If your data is backed up, and you don't mind taking the risk, you could try ripping out everything from the old installation -- maybe try (at the CLI)
                        sudo apt-get remove --purge kdm-kde4
                        then try
                        sudo apt-get install --reinstall kdm kde-base
                        and see if that comes close to fixing it. Please understand that this is not a "normal" problem -- it is a unique hangover from the transition from KDE 4.1 on 8.04, so I can't guarantee anything. If you can get it running well enough to configure a VESA display, then maybe you can start again with the nVidia driver installation.

                        Alternatively, it's 3 or 4 weeks until 9.04 is released -- I've already installed the Beta and it seems to be working reasonably well, including running the nVidia driver.


                          Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

                          Are you still geting "No Screens Found"?


                            Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

                            Originally posted by dibl
                            I can't vouch for some of your sources, like but I don't think your problem is sources.

                            My personal experience with the 8.04/KDE3 > 8.04/KDE 4.1 > 8.04 > KDE 4.2 was so miserable that I installed 8.10 when it was Alpha 5 just to escape the misery. I think you have some leftovers from that miserable transition. Here's the short story:

                            KDE 3.5.x used "KDM" for the display manager. In order to adapt the new KDE4 display manager for installation on systems running KDE 3.5, they named it KDM-kde4. So people like you and me installed it, and it kinda-sorta worked. But, the "real" KDE4.2, which is what comes with 8.10 and 9.04, uses a KDE4.2 display manager named .... guess what? You got it -- KDM!

                            So, I'm not real confident that I can make your system better, under the circumstances. If your data is backed up, and you don't mind taking the risk, you could try ripping out everything from the old installation -- maybe try (at the CLI)
                            sudo apt-get remove --purge kdm-kde4
                            then try
                            sudo apt-get install --reinstall kdm kde-base
                            and see if that comes close to fixing it. Please understand that this is not a "normal" problem -- it is a unique hangover from the transition from KDE 4.1 on 8.04, so I can't guarantee anything. If you can get it running well enough to configure a VESA display, then maybe you can start again with the nVidia driver installation.

                            Alternatively, it's 3 or 4 weeks until 9.04 is released -- I've already installed the Beta and it seems to be working reasonably well, including running the nVidia driver.
                            in fact now I'm thinking to use the VESA driver (it works no bad) and asap to install from beginning the 8.10 at 64 bit and upgrading to 9.04 later when released and sufficiently stable . In this case do you see problems of KDE compatibility or something else ?

                            thanks again
                            Dual-booting:<br />Kubuntu: Karmic Koala (Main OS)<br />Windows:Vista Home Premium<br />--------------------------------------------------------------<br />Sony Vaio&nbsp; VGN-NR21Z - 2 Duo processor T8100<br />Graphics nvidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU


                              Re: Kubuntu 8.10 problem with nvidia driver

                              @sandro, it is generally considered poor form to recommend "reinstalling" Linux, because (with enough knowledge) almost every configuration issue can be corrected without reinstalling the OS.

                              However, in your case you have some very non-standard residual KDM and KDE configuration problems that have carried forward from the 8.04 + KDE 4.1 debacle. I personally don't know enough about the file-naming conventions that were used by the KDE devs to accommodate that transition to know what needs to be deleted from your system. I'm afraid if you simply upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04, all that crap is just going to come forward and mess up your 9.04 installation too, just like it is doing for 8.10. For that reason, in your case I would seriously consider a fresh installation of 9.04, after saving your data to external media. I am presently running 9.04 Beta, and it is remarkably stable and trouble-free, including all video and audio performance, so I'm confident that the released version will be a safe OS to install fresh on your computer.

                              However, there is no "downside" to attempting a "full-upgrade" to 9.04, except for further loss of your time. So that's something you can think about and decide.

