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I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

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    I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

    I download 3 different things off the Net and I always download to the desktop. They do Not show up, but if I go to a command line and do "cd /home/me/Desktop " they are listed as being there. I am using Kub 8.10 and I am sure it is KDE 4.2.x.

    Any ideas?


    Re: I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

    The desktop is different in KDE 4.x. It is no longer just a place to hold folders/files (although you can configure it that way). It is now a place to hold all sorts of things (called plasmoids or widgets). There is a widget you can add (right click|add widget) that will allow you to see your desktop 'folder', although you may have to change the settings to show the desktop, sometimes it defaults to showing the /home folder.

    alternatively, you can just use dolphin, and go to the ~/Desktop folder.

    Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop<br />Intel T9300 Core2Duo Processor @ 2.5Ghz<br />4 GB Ram | 1920 X 1200 Resolution<br />2 X 160 GB SATA HD Internal<br />Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Adapter<br />Using Kubuntu 9.10


      Re: I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

      So that's where it is. I did the Dolphin thing and ckicked on Desktop. I never payed attention when looking in there before. Thanks. BUT, how do I delete the items from the desktop? There is no Delete function.

      I would have answered sooner but I didn't receive any notifications in my e-mail.



        Re: I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

        assuming you mean the widgets on the desktop. when you put the mouse over the widget on the desktop, a little 'flag' comes out...i believe there is an 'X' on the flag that will delete the widget...i also think you can right click on the widget itself...

        Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop<br />Intel T9300 Core2Duo Processor @ 2.5Ghz<br />4 GB Ram | 1920 X 1200 Resolution<br />2 X 160 GB SATA HD Internal<br />Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Adapter<br />Using Kubuntu 9.10


          Re: I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

          No, not the few on my desktop that you can see, but the ones that I have to go to Dolphin to see. I would like to be able to remove them. I imagine I need to use a command line to do this but I forgot what command to invoke to remove anything.

          Later. Pepse.


            Re: I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

            just highlight them and push the delete key...if you want to us the command line, it is:
            rm /path/to/file
            to delete a file, or:
            rm -r /path/to/folder
            to delete a folder.

            Just remember that (i think) that the command line wont send them to the trash, it will permantly delete.
            Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop<br />Intel T9300 Core2Duo Processor @ 2.5Ghz<br />4 GB Ram | 1920 X 1200 Resolution<br />2 X 160 GB SATA HD Internal<br />Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Adapter<br />Using Kubuntu 9.10


              Re: I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

              I went to a Konsole and CD'ed to the desktop and did "ls" then typed " rm /kuickshow-0.8.5.tar.bz2 . And I got bashed for "no file or directory". What am I missing?



                Re: I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

                drop the /
                Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop<br />Intel T9300 Core2Duo Processor @ 2.5Ghz<br />4 GB Ram | 1920 X 1200 Resolution<br />2 X 160 GB SATA HD Internal<br />Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Adapter<br />Using Kubuntu 9.10


                  Re: I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

                  Okay it worked for a regular file, but I have a torrent to delete and it won't go by that method. It is written like this: ( . So, how do I do this one?



                    Re: I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

                    it's probably a permissions issue...try
                    sudo rm {FILE}
                    this will delete it as root.

                    Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop<br />Intel T9300 Core2Duo Processor @ 2.5Ghz<br />4 GB Ram | 1920 X 1200 Resolution<br />2 X 160 GB SATA HD Internal<br />Nvidia GeForce 8600M Graphics Adapter<br />Using Kubuntu 9.10


                      Re: I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.

                      Originally posted by Pepse
                      I download 3 different things off the Net and I always download to the desktop. They do Not show up, but if I go to a command line and do "cd /home/me/Desktop " they are listed as being there. I am using Kub 8.10 and I am sure it is KDE 4.2.x.

                      Any ideas?

                      Right click on the 'Desktop' and select 'Appearance Settings' and then under 'Desktop Activity' select 'Folder View'. That should give you the more classic desktop look and feel.

                      Sometimes, in my case at least, the 'Desktop' does not refresh properly, and even though files are in fact deleted, an artifact image remains in the gui. Just a bug I expect. You can get rid of the artifact by drawing a box around it with your cursor.

                      Have fun


                        Re: I Downloaded Some Files To Desktop, But They Are Not There.


                        No that gave me a bash of: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' .


                        That set of commands doesn't exist in KDE 4.1.x. At least not in the way you tried to get me there nor in the KDE-System-System Settings. When I right click and go to Desktop Settings it just gives the the Plasma Workspace screen. There is nothing I can do there to make any significant changes.


