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oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "anybody"!

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    oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "anybody"!

    I got click happy and mistakingly removed my menubar and am now lost. How do I get it back...??

    Re: oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "Liquidator"!


    Right click on the desktop, and select "unlock widgets" (although thats probably how you deleted it ). Then right click on the panel and select panel options then panel settings (I'm on windows right now so might have got them the wrong way round) and then select "add widget". and then pick application launcher. That will replace the icon.

    Then right click on the desktop and select "lock widgets", which will prevent accidental deletion.


      Re: oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "Liquidator"!

      Well the ICON is neet, but the application launcher menu is not working, or showing the menu bar when I click add widget ...?


        Re: oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "anybody"!

        After you restore the menubar you have to restore all the things that were in it. Or you can move your .kde directory to something else, reboot , and it will be back to where you started. To do this get into your home directory (Alt-F2 and type konsole) and run "mv .kde kde.old" followed by "sudo reboot" and you should be back in operation.


          Re: oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "anybody"!

          WOW...What a cool command..!That is a command I'm going to write down! Every thing is back to normal. Just before you replied I had decided to format the harddrive. So you saved me. Thankyou.

          Because I am new at this I needed to be careful there are icons to choose beneath the text editor and to press enter after kde.old and sudo reboot.


            Re: oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "anybody"!

            I am afraid I forget that many of the people in this forum are windows users who are not familiar with using a command line.

            I strongly advise you to start learning command line linux so that you know linux, instead of knowing only KDE or only Gnome. In linux those are only a cover for the real action. Actually you will then know Unix also, although there are getting to be fewer Unixes all the time.


              Re: oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "anybody"!

              It should be said that deleting/moving/renaming your .kde directory is a big overkill since there are actually just 2 config files which apply to the desktop, widgets and taskbars. ".plasmarc" and ".plasma-appletsrc"

              A more precise fix would be to delete those two files when plasma is not running. You could try the following from the Alt-F2 krunner, or from the command line.

              kquitapp plasma && rm ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* && plasma &
              Sometimes from the krunner I've had to break up the commands rather than execute them all at once.

              kquitapp plasma
              rm ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* 
              Do you need any & characters in this case? I'm not sure.

              And just for the record, when you quit plasma your screen will go black (since plasma is what runs your desktop) but the Alt-F2 krunner will still function fine. By typing 'plasma' again your desktop will restart.


                Re: oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "anybody"!

                It may be overkill in the sense that it removes more files than need be removed, your method is overkill in effort and complexity for the sake of saving a few seconds of CPU usage.

                Almost every person who has had this problem has few if any configurations they want to keep and little or no experience. A simple solution that gets them moving again is infinitely preferable.


                  Re: oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "anybody"!

                  That came across more aggressive than I intended. The information is valuable for someone who has things like addressbooks and other personal info they do not want to lose.


                    Re: oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "anybody"!

                    I never realized how lazy windows has made me...
                    In the near future I have many questions that may seem trivial to every one but they are sincere so please try to be patient.


                      Re: oh, ohh...I deleted my menubar by mistake...! "anybody"!

                      mando_hacker, I realize that in this case renaming the .kde directory was fine....but I wanted to let future people know who might view this thread that there is a cleaner solution that won't have as many potential side effects. Plus, I don't see how typing Alt-F2 and pasting in "kquitapp plasma && rm ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* && plasma &" is anymore complex than your instructions.

