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How to automount usb drive?

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    How to automount usb drive?

    When I plug in an usb harddrive, the device notifier pick it up, but the drive won't be mounted until I click on it and open in dolphin. How can I get it to automount when plugged?


    Re: How to automount usb drive?

    I am running into the same problem as you. A bug has been filed with the KDE team, so hopefully they will address it in a future release.

    In the meantime, a drive will automount if you add an entry for it in /etc/fstab. If you don't mind getting your hands dirty under the hood of your system, here are the instructions.

    The only problem that I've run into with this method is that if I want to remove the drive while the PC is on, I have to do it as root (sudo umount /media/flash, for example).


      Re: How to automount usb drive?

      I had the same problem on Kubuntu 8.04.2, KDE 3.5.10 and I think I stumbled onto an easy workaround.

      When you plug in the USB drive you should get a "new media detected" window (unless you disabled it) - just cancel this.

      Look on your desktop and you should see an icon for the USB drive even though it didn't mount.

      Right-click the USB drive icon, select "Properties", select the "Mounting" tab, check the "Mount automatically" check box, and click "OK".

      Unplug the drive, wait a few seconds, then plug it back in. It should mount automatically.

      Unfortunately it looks like you'll have to do it for each separate USB drive you plug in > , but once you set it for that drive it will mount it every time.

      Hope this works for you too!



        Re: How to automount usb drive?

        Unfortunately, while this works for the KDE 3.5 series, it doesn't work for KDE 4.2 that I'm using.


          Re: How to automount usb drive?

          Few plasmoids:

          > New Device Notifier with Automount
          An extended version of the original devicenotifier-applet which mounts the new media after it was inserted.
          > Device Manager
          This is the Device Notifier with two changes:
          -it shows the not removable devices too
          -when there are more than one action for a device instead of opening that ugly window it adds one button per action under the device
          - added an option for the automount
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information

