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kmail moves new mail to deleted items folder

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    kmail moves new mail to deleted items folder

    I've updated to kde 4.1 and am running kmail 1.10.4, I've set it up to fetch messages from my gmail account. I've got this problem thats just occurred that all new messages get put into my deleted items folder and I have to import them back to the inbox. theres been some other unusual changes such as, before kmail would ask to open my wallet to get login details now kmail asks me directly for the account password, I though kmail had to have sudo permission to start? I thought the problem with the mail might be a ran the anti-virus wizard out of curiosity, which i think might be malfunctioning and thinking all new mail has a virus?
    any ideas? I can't see any other blogs with this problem which makes me think it might be my settings but i could be wrong.

    Re: kmail moves new mail to deleted items folder

    KMail V1.10.4, KDE 4.1.4.

    Originally posted by rasegrott
    I've got this problem thats just occurred that all new messages get put into my deleted items folder and I have to import them back to the inbox.
    could be the anti-spam filter.
    check "settings -> configure filters -> spam handling" to see where junk mail is moved to.
    the anti-spam bogofilter is bayesian, so it uses statistical information to decide whether or not an email is junk.
    especially when you first start using it, you'll have to manually set email as spam or ham so that the filter can learn to decide by itself.
    could be the anti-virus too, as you say.
    you should be able to check that too in the kmail settings.

    Originally posted by rasegrott
    theres been some other unusual changes such as, before kmail would ask to open my wallet to get login details now kmail asks me directly for the account password...
    please check that:
    a) kwalletmanager is properly installed (with adept, or with synaptic, or with dpkq-query from command line or...)
    b) kwalletd be running (ctrl-esc to start the system activity client stuff, then filter for kwallet...)
    if all of this is ok, then check the kwalletrc configuration file.
    from command line enter
    cat .kde/share/config/kwalletrc
    here's mine:
    [Auto Allow]
    kdewallet=KDE Daemon,KDE Wallet Manager,KMail,knetworkmanager,Konqueror,KRDC

    [Auto Deny]

    Close When Idle=false
    Close on Screensaver=false
    Default Wallet=kdewallet
    Idle Timeout=10
    Launch Manager=true
    Leave Manager Open=false
    Leave Open=false
    Prompt on Open=true
    Use One Wallet=true
    as you can see:
    a) i only use the default "kdewallet" wallet
    b) the list of applications that are allowed to use that wallet ([auto allow] kdewallet=...) lists kmail
    all of this setup/configuration process should of course be automatic.
    but kubuntu intrepid with kde4 is still very unstable and many things go wrong with updates and stuff.
    you could then try and edit and fix this configuration file manually:
    a) hit alt-f2
    b) enter "sudo kate /home/your_username/.kde/share/config/kwalletrc
    than save, exit and try start kde again.
    but be careful about what you do!
    back up your original config file before any changes, so that you can go and put it back at its place in case of troubles.

    Originally posted by rasegrott
    I though kmail had to have sudo permission to start?
    this is not correct.
    kmail does not need administration privileges to run.
    to access you email accounts you'll have to authenticate yourself.
    that's all.
    the application runs as a regular user's application.
    passwords that kde applications need to operate can be store in a password wallet.
    they're encrypted and stored in there with a password that you set so that
    a) passwords are store in a safe place and in a secure way
    b) kde applications (such kmail) can go fetch them and use them without having to ask the user each time

    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: kmail moves new mail to deleted items folder

      Thanks jankushka
      I checked my kwallet settings and all looks groovy so luckily not a problem there, but its good to know that that's all working as it should. should my default wallet be [$d] ?
      [Auto Allow]
      kdewallet=kmail,knetworkmanager,konqueror,Konquero r,kontact,Kontact,kopete,Kopete,kwalletmanager

      [Auto Deny]

      Close When Idle=false
      Close on Screensaver=false
      Default Wallet[$d]
      Idle Timeout=10
      Launch Manager=true
      Leave Manager Open=false
      Leave Open=true
      Prompt on Open=true
      Use One Wallet=true
      I had a look at the settings for my my bogofilter but its not set to move things to my deleted items folder so I suspect its the anti-virus so i've set it to just flag the messages instead, and sure enough this is what happened to my new messages, so i've just removed it. do you think its an important thing to have? I don't use any anti-virus software, and have never encountered any virus for the 4 years i've be using linux. I get the impression that safe practice is more important in Linux. Is anti-virus software something I need to be concerned with?


        Re: kmail moves new mail to deleted items folder

        Originally posted by rasegrott
        should my default wallet be [$d] ?
        that seems to be alright.
        that's what intrepid settings are.
        i moved mine over from gutsy when i upgraded.
        but i checked with intrepid and that's what intrepid actually sets.

        Originally posted by rasegrott
        [Auto Allow]
        kdewallet=kmail,knetworkmanager,konqueror,Konquero r,kontact,Kontact,kopete,Kopete,kwalletmanager
        this kdewallet line is a bit funny...

        Originally posted by rasegrott
        I had a look at the settings for my my bogofilter but its not set to move things to my deleted items folder so I suspect its the anti-virus so i've set it to just flag the messages instead, and sure enough this is what happened to my new messages, so i've just removed it. do you think its an important thing to have? I don't use any anti-virus software, and have never encountered any virus for the 4 years i've be using linux. I get the impression that safe practice is more important in Linux. Is anti-virus software something I need to be concerned with?
        i've been using gnu/linux since...well, since always.
        take it easy: viruses are not an issue!
        they are not for now.
        and they won't be for another good while.
        they may be one day.
        but we'll be well warned in advance, don't worry.
        there's a whole world waiting for the first gnu/linux virus.
        when it happens, it'll make a big noise.

        gnu/linux is not windoze

