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[Solved]Installing Firefox

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    [Solved]Installing Firefox

    How do I install Firefox in Kubuntu? I have tried the command line, no go. I have tried instructions on the web, no go. As I recall, it was pretty easy on my desktop, but that was a while ago. Now, on my laptop, same OS, am having trouble remembering how to do it. Can someone help, please?


    Re: Installing Firefox

    Actually, the current version is in the repositories. It may have ubuntu branding in some way, but it seems to work the same.

    Otherwise, as I recall, just tar -xvf the tarball from the firefox site, and move the directory to /usr/bin, then make menu links to /usr/bin/firefox/firefox. Make sure a+r and a+x attributes are set. If root owns it, you won't be able to do updates, so you may want to play with group permissions to be able to update it as a user.
    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


      Re: Installing Firefox

      Originally posted by theAdmiral
      How do I install Firefox in Kubuntu? I have tried the command line, no go. I have tried instructions on the web, no go. As I recall, it was pretty easy on my desktop, but that was a while ago. Now, on my laptop, same OS, am having trouble remembering how to do it. Can someone help, please?

      If you install Ubuntuzilla via Adept, then go here: and follow the instructions there is no 'branding' and other such rubbish installed (that i'm aware of), you can even install an older version if you download one and copy it to .temp.

      The only command-line command you will need is:
      Code: -a install -p firefox
      but these two are also available:
      Code: -a install -p thunderbird
     -a install -p seamonkey
      Good Luck.... and have Fun.


        Re: Installing Firefox

        I am puzzled by this question, most popular applications are available through the repositories and can be accessed by the package manager.
        In the case of Kubuntu the package manager is Adept and firefox-3.0 is available.

