Hi all.
i used to have kubuntu 7.10 later i upgrated to the next and since the release of 8.10 i upgraded with kubuntu 8.10 on the same laptop.
yesterday i installed the kde 4.2 on my kde 4.1 kubuntu
adding the proper repository in sources.list and followed the instuctions
in kubuntu.org
but as soun as i rebooted my kdm shows up as normally but
when i logged in the screen turned into black and i could only
log in into tty (no gui)
I tried to start and stop kdm , i tried kdm failsafe and also tried startx
but nothing i get nothing instead of a black screen... >
and it is so annoying > after that fancy experience of the plasmas and kde 4 stuff..
So does anybody have any solution or suggestion ?
How to get back to stable kde 4.1 or how to make kde 4.2 work
as it should ?
Please provide me some feedback
I tried to find information in #kubuntu irc iside this forum and around the web
but i wasn' t lucky to find a solution
I want to avoid reinstalling kubuntu all because of this.
also i would really like to know how
to connect to my wireless router from konsole without the
gui .
Is there any standard place in the filesystem where
the wireless networks information are stored so i can be able to
use the information from command line to connect to the wireless?
Because my kde 4 desktop gui is not working and i have no access to
the fancy liitle plasma applet for wireless to conect to my wireless
Thanks in advance
please don't ignore my questions