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[Solved] xsane 0.995 OCR function

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    [Solved] xsane 0.995 OCR function

    I have been trying to find someone who can help me with this little problem of scanning a document and using the ocr function to turn it into a txt document. I am using Kubuntu 8.1 and xsane 0.995 on an hp compaq nx9600 laptop and a hp f4240 all in one printer. the scans do come out looking good but when I hit the ocr button I get the following errors. Child process error failed to execte PCR command: gocr: no such file or directory. I am probably not doing something right but I can not figure out what. Is OCR a viable option in xsane or do I need to use something else? I am not that good with the command line but I can follow instructions. Any help would be greatly apriciated.

    Re: xsane 0.995 OCR function

    I'm afraid I'm not a fan of GOCR as it's accuracy seems extremely poor to me.

    You could try OCR Terminal and have them do it for you for free

    I can recommend it.

    If you want to do OCR on your machine then tesseract seems to be a far better option than GOCR. Works as a backend to your scanning application. It's available in the repos.


      Re: xsane 0.995 OCR function

      I thank you for the advise and I am trying ocrtrminal to see what they are about. I however would like to do some work on my own machine and I am unable to find tesseract. I know it will make me sound like I'm a real green horn but where do I find this program and how do I install it so that it will run instead of gocr? I do thank you for the help you have already given.


        Re: xsane 0.995 OCR function


        tesseract-ocr is available in the universe repositories so just launch adept or synaptic and type tesseract in the search box. Select the package and it, and all dependencies will automatically be downloaded and installed.




          Re: xsane 0.995 OCR function

          Thank you for the assistance and I have done as suggested and installed tesseract-oce on my system using Synaptic as adapt could not find it. After I installed it I went into the Xsane 0.995 preferences and tried to get it to recognise Tesseract but am having not luck. Any suggestions on how to make it work?

          Also I have successfully used Ocrterminal and you are right their OCR capability is excellent as far as I'm concerned. I however have concerns of having my original information still on their systems therefor I am reluctant to put too much on them for now. I would like to work on my own system if I can get something to work even half way right.

          Again your assistance has been greatly appreciated.

          The Tiny 1


            Re: xsane 0.995 OCR function

            It might help to try a different front-end - I know that gscan2pdf (which scans and exports to a variety of formats) will use the tesseract OCR engine. It may simply be that xsane cannot do so so it will be worth looking at one or more alternatives.

            However, it may be that the failure to recognise it is because it has not installed properly due to dependency issues. I cannot understand why it's not in your repo.


              Re: xsane 0.995 OCR function

              gscan2pdf works well All I need to do now is get used to it and get to work. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. I do not know why xsane will not run tesseract-ocr but gscan2pdf had no problem with it.

              Again thanks for the help.

              Bright Blessings
              The Tiny 1


                Re: xsane 0.995 OCR function


                Would you be so kind as to mark the title of your thread as "solved" as that might help others who may be having the same issue?




                  Re: xsane 0.995 OCR function

                  I'd love to just how do you show it as solved?


                    Re: xsane 0.995 OCR function

                    Maybe by clicking on the Edit button above your original post...


                      Re: [Solved] xsane 0.995 OCR function

                      Thank you!!

