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Update icon has disappeared

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    Update icon has disappeared

    I have no idea how this happened but my update icon has disappeared in Intrepid. I get a little balloon at top left hand side of the desktop telling me when updates are available but the little gear icon is missing. I have had to do updates manually through Terminal. No great difficulty there. But, I want my little green gear back.

    Previous threads referring to related problems in earlier versions do not work.

    Any ideas?


    Re: Update icon has disappeared

    Originally posted by mcdactor
    I have no idea how this happened but my update icon has disappeared in Intrepid.
    I don't really understand, surely you can just go into Adept and download the updates from there.


      Re: Update icon has disappeared

      Originally posted by tomp01
      Originally posted by mcdactor
      I have no idea how this happened but my update icon has disappeared in Intrepid.
      I don't really understand, surely you can just go into Adept and download the updates from there.
      I think the issue is that the system tray notification for adept is not activating, thus, in order to find out when updates are available, you have to manually enter adept and check. The same thing is happening to me and I'd like to know where to look to get it back. This happened after my update to KDE4.2 from the experimental repositories. I had some serious package issues with the install and maybe this was lost somewhere or it is a regression of adept...


        Re: Update icon has disappeared

        did you perhaps change your icon set to one that does not have an icon for the updater, i have lost some icons in this manor... , if so go back to default for a bit and see if the "magicly" comes back
        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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          Re: Update icon has disappeared

          Originally posted by sithlord48
          did you perhaps change your icon set to one that does not have an icon for the updater, i have lost some icons in this manor... , if so go back to default for a bit and see if the "magicly" comes back
          I have my icons set to Oxygen. That's the default, right? Everything else looks good. It had switched to CrystalSVG, which was missing some major icons, like the lock and off buttons, but when they were missing, another placeholder filled in, so I don't think that's the problem.


            Re: Update icon has disappeared

            I don't think it's so much an icon problem as a task manager disappearance or whatever [the terminology is confusing, something developers might look at for the next desktop or whatever].

            The reason I say this is that when I print a document the printer icon no longer appears either.




              Re: Update icon has disappeared

              I fixed my problem by installing the package "update-notifier-kde" and then
              sudo /usr/bin/update-notifier-kde
              The gear is now back when I need it and comes back even after I logout/reboot/login.

              ps aux | grep update-notifier-kde

              can confirm this with the following output:

              mallis 5818 0.0 2.7 119120 42980 ? SNl Feb26 0:16 python /usr/bin/update-notifier-kde

              I don't know if the o.p. solved his problem, but mine is solved


                Re: Update icon has disappeared

                please mark as solved so other can fix this problem
                Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                (top of thread: thread tools)


                  Re: Update icon has disappeared

                  rmalis, I think you hit the nail on the head.
                  It just happened the Icon was activated on my task bar and indeed it's called update notifier.
                  But the package is called update-manager-kde


                    Re: Update icon has disappeared

                    Originally posted by Teunis
                    rmalis, I think you hit the nail on the head.
                    It just happened the Icon was activated on my task bar and indeed it's called update notifier.
                    But the package is called update-manager-kde
                    I could swear my troubles only went away when I installed update-notifier-kde. I do have "update-manager-kde" installed, but somehow not "update-notifier-kde". I won't argue the point, but if "update-manager-kde" doesn't work for someone out there, there's something more to try


                      Re: Update icon has disappeared


                      This is partially resolved for me. I had problems when I manually did a package upgrade [ see discussion at]. But when I used the code:

                      sudo apt-get - - install kde-window-manager
                      the systems setting tray reappeared on the desktop. It had been hiding behind the desktop folder.

                      I say, "partially", because it does not sit at the bottom of the screen, but I can live with that.

                      Cheers, Jim


                        Re: Update icon has disappeared

                        Originally posted by mcdactor

                        I say, "partially", because it does not sit at the bottom of the screen, but I can live with that.

                        Cheers, Jim
                        Can't you right-click on the desktop>Unlock widgets then move your system tray onto your panel? or am I misunderstanding your situation?

